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chapter 2.
the beginning of trouble.
y/n's pov.

"what the fuck? After 9 years?" i asked rintarou.

"there's no way.. its probably just mei pranking us" he replied.

"wanna ask her?". It was probably because we don't want to believe that she is back.

Rin got up and went to the backyard leaving me waiting on the couch.

I dont want whatever happened years ago to happen again. It isn't time for stress and we're finally feeling better again.

Rintarou entered the living room with mei by his side. She sat down between me and rintarou and gave us a weird stare.

"if you want to give me a sex talk i know everything, and if you want to announce that you're pregnant i already know that mom so-" rintarou stopped her there, and gave her the letter we received.

"this isn't funny mei, you know how serious we always are about this my love" i said.

"but.. but that isn't me?" she replied, getting scared.

"what...?" now rintarou is scared as well.

"she's back."

1 week later.

Nothing happened after we found the letter, our life is still the same.

I was in the kitchen making a quick lunch before rin comes home until i received a call that made my daughter wake up due to the loud noise.

Crying filled the living room. And of course, i left everything in hand and speed walked to the living room.

I ignored the call at first, carrying my daughter and patting her back as i assured her thar her mom is here by her side and things.

After she calmed down i took the phone.

A unknown number.

"hello? Who is th-"

"you might want to go check on your husband before he's not your husband anymore, y/n." The caller said, and hung up.

I never drove faster in my life. Everything on my mind right now was rintarou.

I told mei to look after the kids for a little while so i wouldn't worry about them as well.

I reached rintarou's practice gym in minutes although it usually takes half an hour. Rintarou is my favorite person in this world and I dont want anything to happen to him, nor anyone hurt him.

I parked the car and ran out of it, walking to the entrance.

And god i wish i didn't.

rintarou was making out with another blonde girl.




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see u next chapter <3

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