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chapter 18.
plan B.
third person pov.

The silence was too loud after the gunshot filled everyones ears.

The gun elle held that was supposedly aimed at y/n was now dropped on the floor due to pure shock.

It all happened so quickly...

Elle was going to shoot y/n since she was getting too close, fearing that y/n might catch her and take her gun away which would leave her at a disadvantage.

But why isn't y/n shot? Why isnt she bleeding? Why is rintarou groaning while holding the left side of his stomach?

Rintarou ran up infront of y/n before she or allei get ingured, which caused him getting shot instead.

The shot was a shock for everybody, but rintarou's body collapsing on the floor took everyone out of their haze as blood was slowly pooling around his body.

"rintarou!" y/n shouted as she sat down next to rintarou, placing his head on her lap, "someone call a fucking ambulance!"

Two of the cops along with kenma, kuroo and atlas rushed towards the now crying
y/n, assuring her that they'll call an ambulance right away.

"rintarou you're gonna be okay, its fine dont worry you're gonna be okay" she muttered, placing a hand over his wound to stop the bleeding.

"im gonna be okay" he responded, weakly smiling as he placed a hand over his wife's stomach.

"sir try your best to keep on breathing, an ambulance is on its way" one of the cops said.

"she's running away into the woods!" a police man shouted, taking others with him into the woods to get elle.

Even if they didn't trust them with what elle did, they for sure now have something against her. She just shot man infront of their eyes.

"Surround the woods, close any escape routs around. Dont let her escape!" the cop that was with y/n and rintarou shouted at the others, in which they obeyed.

Now it was just the cop and the group that eventually failed at this plan due to the unexpected change of circumstances.

"i promised that I would... protect you" rintarou said to y/n, wiping away her own tears with all his strength.

"you protected me rin, you kept your promise i trust you" she replied, moving his hair away from his sage green eyes.

His sage green eyes that were now slowly closing.

"rintarou!! please keep your eyes open please" y/n said as she pulled him closer towards her.

She got no response this time. He was still breathing and his heart was still beating slowly but his weakness in such a situation was not helping him.

"you have to meet allei rin please" his wife sobbed, placing rintarou's pale hand over her stomach.

She got a nod this time, but a spark of hope because of a nod seemed like a lot.

Ambulance sirens were heard as they parked in the middle of the parking lot.

One of the young nurses held y/n back away from rintarou carefully in order not to do any wrong move while transporting him into the ambulance.

"you can't go its unsafe for the baby, follow us by car if you have a spare one" the nurse said, letting go of y/n.

"ill go with rintarou. Kuroo, make sure y/n gets to the hospital safely.. take care" kenma said, getting into the back of the ambulance.

Kuroo held y/n by her arms, walking her slowly to their car as atlas sat in the passenger seat.

"if they dont catch that fucking woman and put her in jail, ill put her in jail by myself"
y/n said, keeping her eye out on the ambulance.


see you next chapter <3

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see you next chapter <3

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