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chapter 11.
tag, you're it.
y/n's pov.

"why would you be positive for pharmacology?" i asked mei, glaring at her.

"listen mom i can explain it just-" explain then?

"fucking explain what mei?! You're taking drugs with a fucking baby alive in your stomach?" i shouted, i feel disappointed in myself that i wasn't able to raise my 18 year old girl good enough.

"y/n, can you please calm down so we can talk it out?" suna asked, patting my shoulder. He looked hurt, but he was calmer than i was.

I was too focused on my thoughts to reply, but i nodded and sat down on the couch.

"mom, elle threatened me into dealing with drugs.." mei stuttered. I could have cracked my neck because of the way i looked up. My eyes averted from the floor to mei's face so fast.

"what did she do?" i asked, more focused on  the conversation.

mei's pov.

"thank you for the food" i said, kissing ash on the cheek.

"anything for you" he replied, smiling at me.

We were walking to ash's car hand in hand, the day was absolutely amazing.

We went out to the arcade then ate lunch in a restaurant as a date, it was perfect. We also celebrated the fact that i was 5 weeks in now which was pretty cool.

the engine of the car started, but ash didn't drive.

"dont move" a voice of a woman said, it was so damn familiar.

I looked at ash, and found a gun pointed at his head from the back seat. I panicked, and the solution that came up to me was to take the gun from whoever was hiding in the back which i didnt bother to find out who it was at the moment.

I reached my hand quickly, but the woman took the gun back and revealed her face.

"i said dont move my little baby... look at you! You've grown up so much! And it looks like you're starting a family soon too!" elle said, patting my stomach with the tip of her gun.

"leave me and ash alone." i said, moving her gun away.

She laughed, "but baby that isnt so easy! Only in one condition".

"which is?" ash asked, yes he does know about elle, we met when i was 11 so he pretty much knows me a lot. He saw her from old pictures and all so that should do.

Her ugly ass did not change one bit.

"you're gonna be drug dealing! Fun right? If you dont, say bye to your handsome young boy" she said, taking hold of ash's cheek.

"do not touch him." i said, pushing away elle's hand.

"don't do it mei, it's okay" ash said.

"don't interfere ash, im doing it. I can't lose you.." i replied.

"but we cant lose the baby too!" ash said, getting frustrated.

"we can try again in the future!"

"how cute... don't ask how i entered the car by the way! Im watching you mei, one wrong step and he's dead" elle said, patting my head and getting out of the car.

y/n's pov.

Suna was currently rubbing my stomach to ease the stress i was going through.

"i cant with this woman, what the fuck is she trying to do" i muttered, kissing rintarou's head as a thank you.

"I'm trying to destroy you, y/n"


see you next chapter <3

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