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chapter 19.
First Person Pov (rintarou).

I feel a soft, warm hand holding mine. They're rubbing circles around my palm.

I feel like its y/n's hands, no one has hands as soft as hers.

I feel like I cant move a lot, there's a stinging pain in the side of my stomach and I hear a heart beat monitor next to me.

I open my eyes, finding a bland white ceiling. Its not me and y/n's bedroom.

I tilt my head, finding y/n half asleep with her other hand over her baby bump.

She's so pretty and adorable.

I held her hand back, pulling it to my face as I kissed the top of her hand.

She looked over at me, a smile directly taking over her face. "you're finally awake".

"finally? How long was i asleep for" I asked, failing to sit up.

"probably like, a day and a half? And you're not allowed to move. You should be thankful its not your right shoulder or you would lose your career" she said, making me laugh.

"did they catch her?" I asked, which y/n clearly knows who im speaking about.

Before she could answer me, the door of my hospital room busted open, revealing the identical twins.

"RINTAROU!!!!" atsumu shouted, throwing himself over me as he sobbed.

"I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LOSE MY BEST FRIEND MAN!! YER WEAK ASS SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!!" he shouted into my ear, you know atsumu is serious when he's using his actual accent while he's speaking.

"okay tsumu, you're squeezing me" I replied, patting his back.

Osamu pulled him off, hugging me as he took his brother's place. "you genuinely scared us so much asshole"

"he's right, I almost shat my pants while driving" kuroo said, walking in with kenma and atlas.

"I thought you were genuinely dying when we were in the ambulance" kenma said, peeling his eyes off of his switch to slightly smile at me.

"such a bitch, scared the shit out of us!" atsumu yelled again.

"how is it my fault?! Y/n and allei wouldn't be here if.. god forbid of course" I said, smiling at y/n.

"thought so" she said, pretending to wipe her non-existant tears.

Mei appeared somewhere in my sight with ash, getting closer to me and hugging me tightly as soon as she reached my bed.

"I hate her so much..." she said, crying.

I rubbed her back gently, "its okay mei, we'll get her".

"im sorry for dragging you into this suna" atlas said, which was honestly pretty dumb. I was planning to do that with or without his help.

"its fine, I would do it again if I had to anyways" I assured, smiling at him.

A few laughs later, officer daichi walked in.

"hello y/n" he said, smiling at her.

I squinted my eyes at him. How is he close with her?

Kuroo's jaw dropped, seeing the interaction between my wife and the cop. "you know daichi?!".

"yes he was in karasuno with me, but he finished school by the time I became a volleyball manager" she said. Now I remember him.

Daichi greeted me and kuroo, both of us being people he played volleyball against in the past.

He took out a notebook from his back pocket, reading the contents written on it.

"i would like to speak to y/n, mei, rintarou, atlas, leo, and kenma. Privately."


See you next chapter!!

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