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chapter 17.
phase 1, complete.
third person pov.

"lets review our plan before starting" y/n said, turning around to have a good view at the 4 boys seated inside rintarou's car as she sat in the passenger seat.

"phase 1, atlas tells elle that he got money for her so she can come to the downtown park" kenma said.

"phase 2, y/n and rintarou surprise her by being in the park 'by coincidence' and distract her" atlas said.

"phase 3, me and kenma call the cops and explain everything while y/n and rintarou keep distracting her so she dosent leave" kuroo said.

"phase 4, cops take her away and we take her to court with all of atlas's texts along with mei's texts" rintarou said.

"phase 5, this bitch goes to jail for good"
y/n finished off, a wide smile clear on her face.

She was proud of her thoughtful plan after all.

"atlas, you hid your car?" rintarou asked, in which atlas responded with a nod.

Y/n shakingly sighed, nervous about how this plan will go, "everyone get in position, if anything goes wrong stick to the plan or give the others a sign that were failing" 

And with that, everyone left the car and got into position.

Kenma, kuroo and atlas went to atlas's car while y/n and rintarou went off to sit at a bench found a few steps far from the park entry.

bold : elle.               Italiac : atlas.

got a raise, need your money?
i wont be here next week so its
either now or later

ill take it now

where are you?

downtown park

on my way
meet me there
read at 2:37 PM.

"shes on her way, text rintarou" atlas said to the two boys seated in his car.

Kenma took out his cell phone and sent a text they've been waiting to receive ever since the plan was settled.

"phase 1, complete."


"shes here, thats her car" y/n said, squeezing rintarous hands as fear took over her.

"breath, im here alright?" rintarou assured his wife, rubbing his thumb on the palm of her hand.

"pretend like were laughing at something at your phone... or take out our photo album those are funny!" y/n stuttered, laying her head on rintarou's shoulder.

Rintarou opened their photo album from the first time they've met until the present, scrolling through it pointing out at specific pictures as they laughed.

They laughed a genuine laugh.

Y/n and rintarou were known for their inseparable relationship and their strong love for eachother, such small moments and memories they shared together is all they need for a smile to take over their face.

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