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chapter 16.
The start of what's supposed to be over.
y/n's pov.

We arrived to the downtown park just like we told leo's dad, in which he isnt here yet.

I went down from the passenger sheet, stretching out to be able to walk properly.

"what do you think you're doing mrs. suna?" rin said, walking in my direction as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"im the mastermind of this plan i cant stay in the car" I said, returning the favor by putting my arms around his neck.

"well, this little kid in your stomach does not need the stress you might go through" he said, adding an additional kiss.

I pulled away from rintarou's lips, in which he frowned.

"this wont be stressful, we'll talk out a plan that works for both of us and its a win-win".

"in the "we'll" and "us" you just said, you meant you, me, kenma, kuroo, and then leo's dad right?" he said, lowering his fairly large hands further down to put his hands right on my ass, he loves doing that. how fun.

"hmm i dont know, maybe he's a dilf?" i replied, a teasy smile clear on my face.

"i definitely disagree with that" he murmured, kissing me once more.

"how about the two of you dont have sex here?" kenma said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"yeah, this is the downtown park" kuroo said, copying kenmas act.

"kuroo shut up you used to watch porn when we were going home on the train" i said, pulling away from rintarou's hold as I leaned on the tree beside me.

Rintarou gasped, "you used to watch porn on- well atsumu used to do that too, i have blackmail of him on my old phone but you're a whole different breed kuroo its so weird.".

"okay end of conversation, I think leo's dad is here" I said, walking in the direction of the man who just arrived to the park.

"you're leo's dad?" i asked, in which he replied with a confused expression.

"atlas, who are you?" he asked.

"hello atlas, im y/n. We're here for elle" I said.

My sentence made him step closer, but also made him take hold of the somehow obvious gun in his back pocket.

Rintarou was quick to stand in front of me, opening his arms to protect me.

"relax atlas, we're mei's parents. Im sure you've heard of her from elle, we're not here to hurt you.".

Atlas released his hold on the gun, his face expression softening a bit.

"sorry for what happened to your daughter" he said.

"sorry for what happened to you" I said, coming out from behind rintarou. "we have a plan that might help ud be free from that woman's grip, would you like to hear it?"

He sighed, along with a smile appearing on his face.

"you dont know how long I've waited for somebody to say this to me".



see you next chapter <3

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