𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 !!

588 15 11

happily ever after.
third person pov.

1 year later.

Y/n woke up to the feeling of being kissed all over her face, even though she could tell it was rintarou due to his large hands placed around her waist, like every morning.

She turned around and faced him with half lidded eyes, smiling at his pretty morning face.

Once he noticed his wife woke up, he smiled and hovered over her, making sure to spread kisses all over her face once again.

"good morninggggg!!!" rintarou excitedly said.

"good morning rin" she muttered, pulling him down for a hug.

"slept well?" he asked, hugging y/n back.

She smiled at rintarou, pulling away from the hug as she looked up and stared at his pretty sage green eyes, nodding in response.

Now, of course y/n and rintarou are amazing parents and they treat and take care of their kids in a good way. But there's one bad habit the kids always did ever since they were young.

Mei walked in without knocking the door. Luckiest parents alive if you tell me.

"dad do we- guys its fucking 8 in the morning!" she shouted, turning around while covering her eyes. The poor girl got the wrong idea.

I mean, who wouldn't? Rintarou slept shirtless last night and y/n had some of her clothes thrown on the side table and on the floor because she hurriedly took a shower and left for kei's teacher-parent meeting.

"its not what it looks like you can turn around mei!" y/n said, pushing rintarou away from her.

"I think im good like this, see me downstairs dad" mei said, leaving the room and closing the door back.

"shes 19 and she still doesn't knock" rintarous sighed, hugging his wife's waist.

"what are you so energetic for today?". Rintarou is usually a person you dont want to talk to in the morning. He has the moodiest-bitchy personality in the morning, I have to look for some credits for dealing with him.

"so you did forget.. well I have the biggest surprise for you- aside from me winning todays game of course" he said, smiling.

"you're not sure if you're winning or not rin" I replied, giggling. Rintarou has a game today, and this game determines whether they get Japan's volleyball team cup or not.

I laughed at his very unusual confidence. Usually rintarou would be shaking because of how scared he is for the game. "if you're there I definitely will win for you"

"isn't this the same person that lost nationals to my school..." I said, giggling as he burst out laughing.

"stop mentioning the 'losing nationals' thing! I was 16!" he added as our laughing died down.

"oh right.. where's allei?" I said, raising up from my bed.

To my luck, as soon as I got up, I heard glass breaking in the kitchen.

"what the fuck, mei!!". I got up from my bed and put on my slippers.

"its probably just.. kei! hes probably eating
cereal with neila" rintarou said, taking hold of y/n's wrist and pulling her back to him.

"let me just check! Maybe they hurt themselves rin" y/n argued, in which she successfully convinced rintarou to let go of her hand.

She walked downstairs, and to her surprise, she was jumpscared by the pop of a confetti gun, and shortly after confetti raining on her and everybody.

"happy 11 year anniversary mom and dad!!" the kids of the suna family shouted, all of them standing around a very pretty cake with a sugar paper that has a picture of rintarou and y/n.

"happy 11 years pretty girl" rintarou smiled, kissing his wife's cheek.

"im sorry I forgot!!" y/n said, adding a hug afterwards.

"its fine, expected you to forget it anyways.". Rintarou smiled, how could he forget the most special day ever?

"im the luckiest woman alive to have a man like you." y/n muttered, smiling lovingly at rintarou.

"NO ALLEI!!!" mei shouted, giggling as the 1 year old in her arms smashed her own face into the cake.

Everyone laughed, staring at allei that now was trying to lick the whipped cream covering her face.



AAANNNNDDDDD ANOTHER ONE GOES FOR THE EJP RAIJINNNN!!!" the announcer shouted through the speakers.

"NICE KILL RINTAROU, ANOTHER ONE RINTAROU!! NICE KILL RINTAROU, ANOTHER ONE RINTAROU!!" the fans shouted, amazed by rintarou's amazing blocking.

"AND THE WIN GOESSSSS FOR THE EJP RAIJIN!!!!!!!!". The crowd roared with happiness and excitement.

The whole team ran to rintarou, surrounding him while cheering.

"we won because of you, suna!!" one of his teammates shouted, hugging him.

"we won the fucking japan cup dude!" another one said.

They all moved to behind the game court, drinking water and drying off with towels so they can thank all the watchers and judges.

Once only family members and friends were inside the game court, y/n sprinted to her husband and hugged him.

"you did it!! you looked amazing out there!" y/n exclaimed, hugging her husband.

"i love you, pretty milf"

"i love you more, handsome dilf"

Rintarou and Y/n definitely got their happy ending.

  the end.


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