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perks of being a pro gamer.
third person pov.

"why would you want elle's number?" y/n asked her best friend.

"if I got her number I think I can hack into the number and get her IP address, then we can have a nice and peaceful talk with her" he explained, which rintarou nodded.

"I agree, we can ask mei if elle tried to reach her through her phone number".

"yes i agree too!" kuroo said.

"do you know who elle is kuroo?" kenma said, which made kuroo put his finger over kenmas mouth.

"we don't talk about that.."

"lets go home and ask her" y/n said, locking her hands with rintarou's and walking to the car.

Kuroo's eyes averted from kenma, to y/n and rintarou, then back at kenma.

He looked over at kenma, putting his hand out for kenma to hold.

"immediately no, get in the car" kenma said, a small smile appearing on his face.

Y/n opened the door with the keys, and walked in.

Usually when y/n and rintarou make mei babysit them, they would walk in to mei's hair being a mess, sharpies and stickers all over her face, baby food and snacks all over the table.

Not on the walls, of course. Y/n is a great mom but she'd never in a million years allow her kids to draw on the wall, nor stain it with anything.

But, the house was calm. Mei was layed on the couch with ash by her side, wrapping his arms around her while watching some random movie.

Both of their eyes were focused on the television, well ash was kind of admiring how beautiful mei is but thats not the point.

"where are the kids?" y/n said, kissing the top of mei's head and waving at ash.

"they're asleep" mei said, smiling at her mother.

"all of them? you put your 3 siblings to sleep?" y/n smiled.

"every single one of them" she said.

"im impressed" y/n said, turning off the tv.

"we have a question" rintarou said, closing the door as he walked into the house.

"was turning off the tv necessary?" mei complained, a frown clear on her face.

"do you have elle's number?" rintarou asked.

"yeah... but I promise I never text her back, she used to ask if i was taking the... drugs she gave me" she replied.

"give it to us please, we have an idea" y/n said, in which mei nodded and took out her phone.

"what exactly is kenma doing right now again?" mei said, staring at the computer screen.

"im hacking into her number so we can get her IP address and have a nice talk with her" he said, his eyes not leaving the screen infront of him.

"yeah, nice talk" ash said.

"im in!" kenma exclaimed after what felt like hours of trying.

"so, what can we find in here basically?" kuroo said.

"her house, people she talks to and if she has any other plans which i dont think she'll text them to people." kenma said, scrolling through her chats.

Kenma scrolled through the chats, but he stopped on one and opened it.

"what is it?" rintarou asked.

"did you know she has another kid or...?"




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see you next chapter <3

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