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chapter 10.
y/n's pov.

Mei's face couldn't even be explained.

Her face was full of fear.

Rintarou rushed into the room and carried mei, "wait at home just in case the kids woke up" he said, rushing down the stairs and out the house not even bothering the fact that both him and mei were in house clothes and socks.

As a mother, i cant even imagine what mei feels right now. Im so worried about her.

1:39 AM .

I couldn't sleep. I was doing whatever on my phone.

I got a call from rintarou, and I've never pressed the answer button this fast.

"hello?" is what i heard through the phone. I think everything is okay, this isn't his worried voice ; not that i feel any better.

"yes rin? what happened?" i asked.

"she's okay now, it was a miscarriage though... she's pretty sad about it" he said.

I frowned, she is safe so that matters, but i feel very sad for mei.

"at least she didn't get hurt.." i replied.

"yeah, they ran a few tests on her and she's in her room with ash right now. We called him and he came here for mei and things" rin said.

"yeah thats good, ash going was a good idea to help mei.. she probably feels bad right now" i said with a sigh. She's still 18.

"i think she can get out by tonight, ill be at home at 4 or 5 at night probably" he announced.

"how will me and allei sleep without you next to usssss" he always likes hugging my stomach when we go to sleep.

I heard a quiet laugh through the phone, making me smile.

"i think you'll manage for tonight" he said.

"hopefully" i miss him and mei already.

"go get some rest ill go check on mei okay?"

"okay, goodnight i love you" i replied.

"i love you more" he said, hanging up.

Like promised, rintarou mei and ash were home by 5:40 at morning.

Mei looked drained.

She hugged me as soon as she saw me, breaking down crying.

"im sorry im so sorry" she muttered, not pulling away from me.

"dont apologize my love it isn't your fault.." i said, rubbing her back to ease the crying.

"it is" she said again.

"dont worry baby it isn't your fault and it never was, the growing just wasn't well" rintarou said.

He had files in his hands, i think those are her tests.

"oh let me see her results" i asked.

"no no need to see i already did" she said, letting go of me as panic took over her face.

"nothing wrong in checking twice" i told her, starting to read the test with rintarou.

"why are you positive for pharmacology??"




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see you next chapter <3

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