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all it took.
third person pov.

5 minutes, thats all it took for y/n to start calling all of her friends to check up who it was.

Y/n put the phone on speaker as soon as kiyoko answered, "hi y/n! How-" shes okay.

She scrolled through her contacts to call the following friend she finds.

"hi y-"
"good afternoon-"
"Y/n! How are-"
"Who's this-"
"we are talking to you from-"
"gucci 15% discount-"
"hello babygirl.. or boy-"
"i dont like kids who prank call-"

Suna sighed, taking another right as he aimlessly drove around "y/n calm down, you're calling wrong numbers. Scroll slowly through your contacts" he said, placing a hand on y/n's thigh.

She took a deep breath, but before she was able to continue scrolling she received a call from kuroo.

"y/n do you have key code to kenma's house? Please I forgot it"

"why?" y/n asked. Then it hit her.

She dropped the phone from her hands, as her shaking hand wasn't helping her with holding the phone.

Rintarou took the phone from y/n's lap, "206129, on our way calm down".


2 minutes. Thats all it took for y/n and rintarou to reach kenma's house.

Fear took over y/ns eyes as she saw the house on fire.

Kenma's room and gaming room  on the 2nd floor, to be specific.

She heard banging from behind the gate, like someone was trying to open the door to enter the house.

Rintarou ran over to the gate, pressing in the code and rushing in as soon as the gate opened.

Y/n followed behind, noticing kuroo trying to break the door with his shoulder, shouting in frustration every second or so.

Rintarou held kuroo back and nodded at him. On the count of three, they pushed the door with all they can and it opened.

Sometimes good money security isnt the best choice.

Y/n followed in to search the house for kenma as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"where are you going?!" rintarou shouted at her, puting his arm over his mouth and nose so he dosent inhale the toxic fire smoke.

"to search for kenma obviously!" y/n said, stepping in.

Suna ran over to her, covering her mouth and nose, "sorry, but definitely not" he said putting and arm behind y/n's knees and one on y/n's back, carrying her outside like she isnt even carrying a child in her stomach.

"but rin-" y/n was cut off talking by a quick kiss.

"if we weren't outside with kenma by 2 minutes, you call the fire department alright?" he asked, putting his palm over her stomach.

She stayed silent for a while before nodding.

Rintarou smiled at her and ran inside again, covering his mout and nose.


10 seconds. Its all it took to make y/n burst into tears.

Kuroo and Rintarou were carrying kenma outside.

He was passed out, and his left arm was still on fire.

"his arm" kuroo said through tears.

Rintarou got up from the floor and ran inside the house again.

The whole house was on fire, it was soon reaching the door.

"RINTAROU!" y/n shouted.

A piece of the door fell on the floor, blocking out the doorway.

"kuroo rintarou is inside" y/n shouted again, the amount of tears flooding on her face increasing.

"calm down its okay" he said sitting her down on the floor next to kenma as she played with his hair.

Rintarou jumped out the first floor window with a salt shaker.

salt gets rid of fire.

He ran over to kenmas passed out body on the floor, removing the top part of the shaker and throwing salt over kenma's hand.

After a minute the fire on kenma's hand ashed away.

Kenma's neighbors noticed the scene happening and called the fire department.

They used the fire hose on kenma's house and the fire died out after a few minutes.

"you should get out of here, the smoke is toxic for you" the firefighter said, aiming at y/n mostly.

They took kenma away into one of the ambulances that came along and gave him oxygen and water, which woke him up.

Kuroo sat on the edge of the ambulance next to kenma with his arm over kenmas shoulder, still sobbing. "i thought i lost you man".

"im not a weak ass" kenma sighed, patting kuroo's hand, trying to push him away.

Y/n's back was pressed over suna's with his arm around her shoulder. She's okay, but the fear hasn't worn out yet.

"its our fault kenma we're so sorry" y/n said, holding kenmas hand.

"its no problem y/n, im fine" he said, slightly smiling at her.

"you should have tagged along with rintarou and kuroo tho, its better for you and allei you already need rest" kenma complained.

"its fine, at least you're okay" y/n said as she smiled at her best friend.

"yeah at least you're okay" kuroo said, sobbing more as he threw himself over kenma.

"okay.. okay time to let go kuroo" kenma said, patting kuroo's hand.

Y/n looked over at the ground, seeing a piece of paper on the floor.

"can you get that please?" she asked suna, not being able to get down anymore.

Rintarou nodded, getting the paper and handing it out to her.

"whats this?" kenma asked.

"this is definitely not the only thing im burning. See you soon, xoxo" y/n said out loud.

1 second. Its all it took for y/n to rip the paper, sighing in frustration.




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see you next chapter! <3

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