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chapter 6.
too much to handle.
y/n's pov.

Im back at home, i didnt even spend much time in the hospital anyway. Just a night, rin insisted on staying so he slept on the visitors chair (his back hurts now, not that i really care).

We didn't tell the kids what happened to keep the family healthy (not that any of them will understand except mei, but its most dangerous to tell mei), its better if me and rintarou's relationship was ruined instead of our whole family and kids.

The fact that im very mad at suna and i still didn't forgive him is still there, forgiving him will be very hard for me to do so after 9 to 10 years of us being together.

Though again, i still love him. He's still my favorite person. He's my husband, ive done mostly everything with him and we've went through so much together. But yet again, it isn't the same.

By that i dont mean that we act like we aren't married or anything, although he still sleeps on the couch. It just feels.. different? Something like that.

Sometimes we sleep next to each other if one of the younger kids had a nightmare and wanted to sleep with us. Rin sleeps on the couch thats in our room since mei sometimes wakes up early for college and all.

Its one of the mornings where we wake up with a kid in between us, kei had a nightmare last night.

Except there was nothing between us, there wasn't a barrier between us.

I was expecting to open my eyes to see kei next to me waiting to see if his mom or dad will wake up first so we can attack them, its always me and kei attacking rin. He never wakes up early.

Instead of that, I saw a sleeping rintarou. His arms are around my waist and i was hugging his chest, our usual sleeping position.

He always looks so peaceful when he's sleeping, if our relationship wasn't in this state I'd always shower him with kisses. But now I was melting.

Then it hit me that kei isnt actually between us, making me jolt up.

"kei?!" i asked in a loud tone, looking around the room. It made rintarou wake up eventually, he looked scared.

"what's wrong? are you okay love?" he asked.

he called me love.

"dont call me fucking love!"  i said, pushing myself up with all my strength, pregnancy is awful.

"relax.. i think he just got up and went to his room or wanted to eat breakfast with mei" he assured, getting up with me.

"he never does that he always waits until we're both awake" i replied leaving the room and walking downstairs.

"kei?!" i shouted again through the hallway.

again, no reply.

"where are you?" .

no reply.

I checked his room, he wasn't there.

"kei? KEI!"  i shouted again and again.

"IN THE BACKYARD!!" neila said from the kitchen.

"thank you!" i replied, going to the backyard.

Kei was playing with jupiter in the backyard.

"what are you doing?? Its 8 in the morning."  i said.

"jupiter was whining a lot so i got up to check on him.. why?" he asked.

Jupiter is 11 years old now, his breed usually dies at 12 to 13 years old so he's gonna be leaving us soon which im not ready for, neither is mei. When we went on picnics when she was 9 she would always stay with him and play around, and i got him when he was just a puppy, so its pretty hurtful when i think that he's grown and leaving soon.

"im used to waking up and seeing you next to me thats all"  i said, walking towards the backyard door.

"mei told me to tell you she has to meet up with someone so she's gonna be a bit later than usual!" he added, which i nodded in response and went back to my room.

Rintarou followed behind and sat next to me on the bed.

"you've been so stressed at everything, and i know its not because of me, whats going on?" he asked.

I sighed, i didnt know if i should tell him or not but im just so stressed out about it. And i decided to tell him.

"ever since elle sent that letter, the slightest thing is scaring me like she's going to do something.. to ruin us all over again. I thought kei was kidnapped or... or i dont know... do you get what i mean?"  i said, looking at him.

"yeah i understand you.. i feel the same way as well". So its not only me then, that's good.

"its like she has some bullet and she's gonna shoot it at us anytime". Rintarou seemed to know and understand every single thing I said.

"she has 7 bullets, and she already shot her first one y/n.." he said.



see you next chapter <3

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