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chapter 20.
mission successful.
Third person pov.

Everyone acted clueless, even though they obviously knew what daichi was here for.

As the people who didn't hear their name get called out left the room, daichi started speaking.

"I think it's obvious why im here, but I need to hear your side of the story on Elle's case. She's stuck in those woods, they're surrounded and im very sure there's no way out so there's nothing to worry about"

When daichi earned a nod from the victims of Elle Park, he continued speaking.

"I have a few questions for all of you- your answers will be recorded as well." As much as the cops could put Elle in jail any second now, the government and law wouldn't allow jailing someone without proof.

"leo isnt here, he's at his grandma's. Is it fine if I answer for him?" atlas asked.

Daichi agreed, and started the audio tape.

italic = answers from the sunas, kenma and atlas.

bold = questions from daichi.

"First question, Suna Mei. How has Elle Park bothered you throughout your whole life?".

"Elle placed a knife to my throat and threatened to kill me when i was 1 years old, she was controlling and she slit my hand when I was 9, in which she didn't go to jail for it, and she forced me to take drugs and kill my boyfriend when she found out I got pregnant."

Mei earned an apologetic smile from atlas, he never knew what elle did to mei after all. All he got were complaints on how annoying mei was.

"thank you, second question, Suna Rintarou. How has Elle Park bothered you ever since you knew her until now"

"She used to always force herself onto me, she lied to me about being on the pill when we were 18 and we got mei, she then threatened me to kill her when she was 1 years old because her other boyfriend didn't want her due to her having a kid. Then a few years later she bothered me and y/n by taking mei away from us. And now she put a gun to my head and forced me to cheat on y/n or she'll kill her, and she tried shooting y/n yesterday, which i took the bullet for it".

Y/n took hold of rintarou's hand, smiling at him. Elle Park was for sure crazy.

"third question, atlas, what has Elle done yo you and your son?"

"elle has forced leo to drink alcohol when he was maybe 4, she gave him open cuts and bruises more than once, she purposefully pushed leo into a pool once in which we both know leo fears swimming and he cant swim."

The more they all spoke the more a anxious, pressuring tension filled the room.

It was getting hard to breathe as the people Elle left traumatized were confessing every psychotic thing she has done.

"kenma kozume, is it true elle burned your house down knowing that you were inside?"

"yes she did do that" kenma admitted, remembering the fear that filled his heart as he rubbed his thumb over a burn mark found on his wrist.

He truly is still surprised how he's still here until this day, the whole house burned down and he has been staying with kuroo for a while now until he sorts out how he's gonna redo a whole new house with a whole new different location and a whole new set of furniture.

"i still cant believe how any of you have put up with this woman" daichi sighed, stopping the recording as our investigation session was over.

"so? what will happen now?" rintarou asked, feeling hopeful as the elle situation has reached the cops which would be a greater help.

"with that type of information we could put her in jail for life, or even worse, death row. This depends on the law and governments choice, I have no saying in this. Im just a detective helping in this case." daichi announced, standing up to leave the room.

Before he could say his goodbyes and take his leave, he got a phone call.

"Detective Daichi Sawamura here" he started.

The conversation between the caller and daichi wasnt clear for the people in the room.

He kept nodding, his eyes widening every few words.

He hung up after the small talk, staring at us with comfort in his eyes.

"looks like elle would be locked up in jail by tomorrow, they just caught her" daichi announced.


see you next chapter !!

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