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chapter 5
try me and see, suna rintarou.
rintarou's pov.

"you dont tell anyone." i said to kenma.

"absolutely no one"  he replied.

"not even y/n?" i asked again.

"not even y/n." kenma sighed.

"before i left-" i was cut off, as usual.

A nurse came out of the room, "which one of you is suna rintarou?" she asked, making me raise my hand.

"y/n would like to see you sir, ill be outside if anything happened." the nurse announced.

I looked at kenma, half fear, half worry. I was afraid of what was gonna come up next but worried about her and her health.

"good luck bud, dont stress her out too much" kenma said, patting my back. I nodded and went inside her room.

She looked okay, she was just a bit pale but she definitely looked sad.

"im so glad you're okay.." i said.

"clearly, you were sucking off my best friends face 3 hours ago." she replied in a tone ive never heard before, or at least a tone she never used on me.

"listen y/n, you'll understand me soon enough just please..". I dont want to tell her.  I shouldn't tell her. There's peoples life on the line. I cant.

"soon enough? You think im gonna cheat on you soon enough as a revenge?" she replied, pissed off.

"no i dont think that, you're a kind person you wouldn't even get revenge." i replied.

"try me and see, suna rintarou" she said, definitely threatened actually.

Everything went silent, i didnt say anything neither did she.

"is allei okay?" i asked, worried about our child that she was carrying.

"allei is doing just fine, not that you thought of the children.". Oh my fucking god.

"y/n i always think of the ki-". Why does everyone cut me off when i speak.

"you do fucking not." she replied.

Silence again.

"i will talk to my sister. You have 2 choices. Divorce, which my sister can fix in the government or living in our house together, for the kids and only the kids. But im a 100 percent sure we will fight everyday. Whatever is to your liking". Oh?

It didn't even take me a second to think, "option 2".

"you're more than welcome to sleep on the couch, suna"




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see you next chapter <3

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