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chapter 7.
in this together.
y/n's pov.

bullets? 7? what does that mean?

"rin what do you mean bullets?" i asked, definitely feeling confused.

"listen, she's gonna force every one of us to do something just so she can destroy us. Dont go out or she'll find you anywhere she wants and will destroy you. I tried stopping mei from going to school for a couple of days til we're safe yesterday but it didn't work and she said she's just toying with us and she'll break her hand if she did something, but she will break mei. 7 bullets is 7 family members, She started the game with me.. then there's you, mei, kei, neila, seijou and allei. She isn't joking y/n, she really isn't" he explained.

I sat quietly for a moment, putting all the pieces together.

"she threatened you into cheating on me..?" i asked, and he nodded.


rintarou's pov.

I walked out of the gym after our volleyball practice for next months game, but someone took my hand and pulled me to the side as soon as i exited, pushing me to the wall.

"what the fuck do you think you're- doing..." it was a female. and not just any female. It was elle.

"miss me?" she asked.


"definitely not" i replied trying to walk away which ended up failing. She pulled me to the wall again.

"if you don't follow my rules, your sweet little y/n will..." she made a gun figure with her fingers and pointed it to her head, making a gun noise with her mouth as she moved her fingers to the side, "die."

I'd rather die than let her die, i cant live without y/n. I'd do anything to stop elle from doing that.

"death is not funny, dont be serious about it."

"who said im not serious darling? im sure you dont want to stain your pretty face with tears when she gets shot in the head right in front of you and your kids right?" she said, placing a hand on my cheek, creating circles with her thumb.

"i dont, what do you want." i replied, removing her hand from my face.

"you cheat on her, make out with this girl when you see her coming, no questions. Im watching you, if you don't do the following, she's gonna die. You dont tell anyone about this. clear?". Oh. The last thing I'd ever do is cheat on her and now i have to, if i dont she'd seriously die, i think she'd understand right? What about the kids tho.. mei is already traumatized i cant do that.

"fine, but do not touch y/n. I repeat again, you do not touch y/n suna." i replied.

"we'll see, enjoy darling" she said, waving with her hand as she walked off, laughing.

A blonde girl then stood in front of me. It was yachi, one of y/n's close friends.

"she threatened me with yamaguchi and i.. i couldn't say no! I cant let him die im so sorry rintarou! I dont want to hurt yamaguchi nor y/ns feelings!" she said, bowing down.

I nodded, still processing what were about to do.

back to the present!!

y/n's pov.

I found myself hugging rintarou tightly, he's did all that and didn't even tell me. I felt bad.

"i love you" was all i could say, i didnt know how to reply.

"me too.. and i swear im sorry i only love you i dont care about others" he said.

Before he got a reply, the door knocked and instantly opened. Revealing mei and her boyfriend.

"me and ash want to... talk to you about something" she announced.

me and rintarou shared a knowing look. Her tone meant trouble. Elle's next victim is me, or kei.


see you next chapter <3

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