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chapter 21.
what everyone deserves.
y/n's pov.

It's been 2 weeks since they caught elle trying to escape from the woods- which she of course failed to do so.

Daichi promised us to give the most amount of information he possibly could so we could finally get rid of elle, and my sister who helped in mei's case a while back will make sure to give all the files we used against elle in mei's case to the court so they can use them now.

Suna is back home, his wound is slowly healing but unfortunately he has to cancel out volleyball for about 3 months.

Mei, Ash and her best friend Reiko got their semester report cards about 4 days ago and the 3 of them passed with amazing grades, which means mei has one more term before she goes to college.

Kenma moved in with kuroo and went back to streaming, which is going great too. All of his fans were understanding and were okay with the lack of posting and him taking a "break" off of streaming and posting for about a month.

Atlas and leo booked flights to live in New York once elle's case is closed, as they chose to start a new life in a new place.

And me, im 8 months in with Allei and its fucking hell. But its okay, because I have rintarou with me and its worth it.

Were supposed to see elle in court tomorrow and everyone's pretty nervous. We all know she's going to get jail for life or death row because we thoroughly spoke about it with daichi and my sister, but we never know what that woman can pull on us, she would be fucking with the whole government if anything.

I felt a familiar hand snake around my waist, cutting my train of thoughts as I looked back to smile at rintarou.

He has a habit to appear out of nowhere and shower me with kisses while im in the middle of cooking, which caused the food to burn many times.

"what's my pretty girl making?" he muttered, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"im frying eggs because im hungry again, what some?" I responded- in which I made sure to keep my focus on the pan infront of me because I dont want the ringing of the fire alarm to fill my ears.

"no thank you, but since when do you eat eggs without anything aside" rintarou asked as he kissed my cheek to get the attention he came here for.

"who said im eating eggs alone? Im eating eggs and nutella together!" I responded, a smile growing wide on my face as I remeber how good pregnancy cravings are.

"eggs with WHAT" rintarous shouted with the most disgusted face he's probably ever made- second most disgusted face. First one was when kei threw up on him when he was a baby.

"what do you mean?! it's literally so good trust me". If rintarou dosent like it ill genuinely be so upset, he can't dislike the food im craving to eat every 2 hours, no way.

I placed the cooked eggs on a plate and spread the chocolate all over it- taking a bite of the food I prepared, leaving me smiling in satisfaction at how the sweet and salty taste at the same time hit the right spot I made this food for.

"EWWWWWWW" rintarou groaned while he backed away from my happy form.

"one bite please" I pleaded my husband.

"y/n, I love you, but absolutely not." he said.



"PLEASE ONE BITEEEEE" i argued back at him.

"WHY WOULD I TRY TO TASTE IT" he playfully shouted back at me which caused me to erupt in laughter.

"BECAUSE ITS GOOD RIN PLEASE" I pleaded again, getting the food closer to his mouth.

"Y/NNNNNNNN" he pouted, frowning as the food got closer and closer to him.

"I'll go pregnant mom mode on you suna." I warned, this is the final stage where rintarou gives in.

"yes ma'am." rintarou responded, taking a bite of my precious food.

"you like it?" I asked, earning a blank face from rintarou.

"it isnt as bad as I expected, but I wouldn't eat it again" he muttered, trying to swallow down the remaining bites.

I smiled at him, placing the plate in the sink.

"now my turn to feed you something!!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"IM NOT EATING YOUR DORITOS AND MAYO EVER AGAIN SUNA RINTAROU, I THREW UP LAST TIME GO EAT THAT SHIT ALONE" I shouted, laughing as he put back the mayo to the fridge with a frown on his face.

"mean move y/n suna, mean one. This will cause a tickling attack for you" he lowly said, walking towards me with a wide grin on his face.


see you next chapter, the final one. <3

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