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chapter 1.
unexpected letter.
y/n's pov.

"neila for the millionth time lower the volume!!!" I screamed from the kitchen.

The house was going through chaos right now. Its mei's birthday and we're making a small party for her in the backyard, just family, her boyfriend and her best friend reiko.

To buy some time to prepare everything, I called reiko and told her to take mei out for a while, and she's coming home any minute.

Im decorating her cake so we can put it outside but the kids are going crazy, they suddenly got a boost of energy and i dont know why.

"do you need help love?" rintarou asked, walking into the kitchen.

"not really.. just take those outside to the table and tell neila to lower the volume of the tv for gods sake im getting a headache." I replied.

He nodded, adding a kiss on my cheek and did what I told him to do.

We've been married for about 9 years and its never been better, we do fight sometimes but its always over some really stupid shit, I really love him.


"go to the backyard with your siblings and act as planned!" I told my son removing my apron and walking to the door, waiting for my daughter to knock.

The door knocked and I opened it, revealing mei and reiko.

"hi mom" mei said, kissing my cheek and walking in.

"hey, did you have a good time?" I asked.

"yeah I did, im gonna go to my room... bye reiko!" mei said.

"no no why? I havent seen reiko in a while now. Come in and let's hang out in the backyard".

"yes!! We have so much shit to tell you actually" mei replied. Great.

"thank you for the invite miss y/n" reiko said, smiling at me.

I nodded at her and walked to the backyard with reiko and mei following behind, giving a thumbs up for everyone to take place.

"happy birthday!!" everyone shouted as soon as mei walked in to the backyard. She looked surprised at first, but the shock directly went away as a wide smile took over her face.

Rintarou walked towards his daughter and hugged her tightly, they still have the cutest bond ever and you literally cant separate them.

"weren't you 9 years old 2 days ago?" rintarou asked. Time did fly by so fast, she was only 9 when i first met her and now she's 18 it makes me want to cry.

"dad im 18 now..." she replied, laughing at her dads statement.

"i dont want you to grow up". I definitely agree with rin.

"do i stay 18 my whole life then?" she asked.

"maybe you should" her dad said, letting go of her.

"i used to call you princess when you were 9. Now what the fuck are you... you're getting taller than me!!" tsumu complained.

"ew you called me princess? That's some weird shit". Oh and yes, mei's cussing problem hasn't been fixed, we decided to just not fix it a very long while ago.

Time skip , 3 hours later.

Its now about 7 or 8 in the afternoon and everyone was just sitting with their own partner aside.

Mei was with her boyfriend and reiko just chatting aside, rintarou was with tsumu and samu and I was feeding seijou because its almost his sleep time.

Rintarou approached me and sat next to me, "do i continue feeding him? You didn't rest at all today and its bad for you" he said, rubbing the baby bump found on my stomach.

Yes, another child. We have too many children. 5 of them.

Im in my 5th month and its a girl, we decided to call her allei since all of our kids have a 'ei' in their names, so we kept it going.

"I'd actually be greatful if you fed him" I said, giving the plate to rintarou.

"mom i think someone was ringing the bell" kei said. Kei is the smart and calm one between the kids, he looks exactly like me as well.

"ill go check" I announced, getting up and walking inside to check who's at the door.

It turned out to be a mailman. But its so dark outside? Who would send a letter at 9 at night?

I closed the door and looked at the front of the letter, reading 'to rintarou and y/n, open it when you are together and alone.'

Since im a very curious person and i was very impatient to wait until everyone left and the kids went to sleep, i went to the backyard and told rintarou to follow me to the living room which he did.

"someone sent this letter and said to open it together and alone" I told him, showing the letter.

"and you couldn't wait til tonight or tommorow because you're curious and impatient." he said, sitting down on the couch next to me.

"exactly! So open it." I replied as i handed him the letter.

"whatever you want then". He opened the letter and took out the paper from it, unfolding it open.

'congratulations on your 5th child, its another girl then.
Dont think I left, i didnt finish just yet.
- From E.'




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see you next chapter. <3

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