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not the only players in the game.
y/n's pov.

As soon as kenma said that, I looked over at rintarou.

"you never told-" i started, not being able to finish because of rintarou.

He raised his hands up in defense, "not my kid, and she went to prison for 5 years so definitely not".

"oh yeah, sorry" I said, smiling at him. I felt bad for accusing him but its just the shock at the moment.

"well apparently its a 5 year old boy and a very rich father who she keeps threatening to leak some secret of his, seems like a drunk hookup" kenma said as he continued scrolling through their chats.

"so basically mei has even another younger sibling?" kuroo said.

"what" me, rintarou and mei said at the same time.

"well its like, same blood same mom... yeah whatever". Idiotic kuroo, nothing new.

"ew dont call that woman my mom" mei noted.

Mei grew up to not having a mother, it was all rintarou's job in taking care of her when she was a kid, he was her mom and dad at the same time.

When me and rintarou told her we're in a relationship she was really happy, she'd even ask to sleep over at my house sometimes.

Now usually, the only thing all couples would think about was their relationship, going out, spending quality time together, sex life and stuff. Me and rintarou's top priority in this relationship was mei.

Sure, we did some things here and there but we were going strong in our relationship because there was a 8 year old's feelings in the game, other than our feelings and love for each other of course.

When we got married it became a lot easier, especially when kei was in the picture, and their other siblings after that.

Mei only got used to me being her step-mother and started actually calling me "mom" when she turned 12, it was like a real family for her at the time.

She used to throw in "mom" sometimes, but she would apologize directly after it, so having a mom in the picture for her was really hard to accept.

Elle being back isn't being easy on mei especially after what she's done to her, so mei ever trying to speak with elle or even someone naming elle as her "mom" was not an option for her.

"okay you might wanna check this" kenma said, pointing at the screen.

italic : the other man.   //  Bold: Elle.

get me money, usual spot.

elle im short on money
i cant give you today

give me money or you lose leo
your choice

is 80 enough?


elle i cant

no money, no leo.

why are leo and that girl
your problem to everything.

you have 30 minutes to be there.

"i think he meant mei by that girl" ash said, eyes glued on the screen.

"damn, that was a chaotic conversation..." kuroo muttered.

"may I?" i asked, taking permission to use kenmas computer.

"go ahead" he replied, getting up from his seat for me to sit.

I took out my phone and copied the number from the computer, texting leo's dad.

"couldn't you talk to him on the computer?" kuroo said.

"its elle's number dumb-ass, she'll see it" kenma answered, sighing.

"what are you telling him" rintarou said, leaning down to take a look at my phone.

leo's dad.

its elle, new number.
get money with you and meet
me at the downtown park.
you have 20 minutes.


"lets go, and you're not going you're taking care of your siblings, and you're staying with your girlfriend" rintarou said, pointing at ash and mei.

"fine" they both said as their smiles dropped.

meeting up with leo's dad was by far the best decision i made this week.



see you next chapter <3

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