22 (final!!)

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chapter 22.
winners of the day.
third person pov.

5 minutes left.

There is exactly 5 minutes left until everyone figures out elle's future.

Everyone is shaking in fear, but maybe a little bit of hope. Hope that they'll be the winners of the day and finally be free in their life.

After all, this case isnt just about elle's wrongs and rights, it's about their lives too.

If they win the case, they wouldn't go out in fear of her doing something to them, they wouldn't feel controlled by a monster-like woman who does it for the fun of it, they would feel free for once in their life after a long time.

"A woman with such illegal actions as yours... Elle park, due to all the proof we got, and to all the documents we have thoroughly discussed and thought about, you will be getting a death sentence in 3 years." the judge finally announced.

Some gasped, some sighed, and maybe some of them even shed a few tears.

Y/n embraced her husband rintarou, sighing in relief. One sentence made them all know that they're finally free, they finally get to be happy.

"we did it rin, we did it." y/n muttered, smiling at rintarou.

"we're finally free" he said back, staring at her with teary eyes.

If 18 year old rintarou ever thought that he would get an angelic daughter called mei, get traumatized from the mother, and then meet the love of his life, y/n, and then mei's mother comes back and ruins their life even more, then she's gone again and he gets married to y/n and grows a family with her, only for elle to come back and ruin everything again until they stood up for themselves and allowed themselves out of the cage they've been locked in for a while and finally beating the monster in her own game, he would probably record it and sell it for a good 50 bucks.

But it's all good, because he did it.

It took him 17 years to finally win, but he did it.

He's free.

Suna Rintarou is now free.

He found the key to the cage and unlocked it, freeing himself from all the traumatizing events from back when he was 18.

It was a hell of a ride, but he overcame it.

He stood up on his knees again and fought it. And it's all because of y/n.

Its all with the help of y/n.

They all walked out of the court and went to the Suna Household.

The tension was moody, they know elle is going to die, and as much as she deserves it, they can't help but feel emotional about it.

"couldn't wish for a better team" atlas said, pulling his 7 year old son closer to him. Leo fell asleep after hours of crying after he figured out that he's finally out of his mother's grip.

"me neither" mei said, smiling at ash.

Kuroo placed wrapped his hand around kenmas shoulder in which he earned a glare- of course, "dude, we fucking did it" kuroo smiled at the thought of getting his own revenge at the woman who almost killed his best friend.

Y/n smiled, fiddling with rintarou's hands, still feeling a bit moody from whatever took place at court today.

"its all thanks to you guys"


Rintarou closed the door after his daughter, as she left with her boyfriend to his parents' house for dinner with them.

"the kids sleeping?" he asked, sitting back down next to the half asleep y/n as she cradled seijou to sleep.

"yes, kei was reading a book last time I checked but I suppose he's asleep right now." she said, leaning her head on rintarou's shoulder.

"y/n.." rintarou whispered, getting a humm in return.

"you've been cradling seijou for 10 minutes but he's already asleep" he whispered, which caused y/n to open her eyes and look at the 2 year old in her lap.

"oh.. i didnt notice" she muttered, smiling as she got up to put seijou in his crib, "I'll be back".

Rintarou smiled at his wife, wondering how on earth he got paired up with a pretty girl like her.

She's a good cook, she's goot at cleaning, she a great mom, she's a great wife, she's very kind, she knows her limits, she knows her worth and what she deserves, she's the prettiest woman he's ever seen, he honestly dosent know how she's so perfect.

How did he get so lucky with y/n.

"rinnnnn" y/n said, waving her hand infront of his face to cut him out of his trance.

"oh sorry, I zoned out." he replied, pulling her in to sit on his lap.

"no rintarou, not until allei is born and is at least 1 years old. And no more kids, that shit is painful" she said, smiling at rintarou as she tried to get up.

"no im not in the mood, can't I let my pretty wife sit on my lap a bit while I cherish how perfect she is" he said, wrapping a hand around y/n's waist and giggling once he noticed her red cheeks.

"stop it!! you're prettier anyway" y/n added, applying kisses all around rintarou's face.

"you did it y/n, we're gonna live our life now" rintarou said, staring lovingly at y/n.

"no. we did it." she said, placing her head over his, making their noses brush over eachothers as they took in the warmth of their bodies.

"I wouldnt have done it without you.
I love you, milf."

"i love you too, dilf."

I think rintarou and y/n finally got their happy ending.


see you all in the epilogue!!

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