Chapter Twenty-Five

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We had traveled another five minutes among the trees, passing does, elk, and all sorts of birds, before reaching a tree that stood out among the rest. Unlike the pinewoods, this tree had many wide limbs that sprouted from every direction. The trunk was as wide as a freeway, and the crown of the leaves could have shaded a village.

"Aasim! Jake!" I shouted when the two of them came into sight. Running full speed, I slammed into Jake, wrapping my arms around him violently. He stumbled back at the sheer force but managed to keep his footing as he hugged me in return, snickering.

"I just had a flashback," he started out. "I was back on the field, and this massive linebacker came at me, taking me down for a QB sack."

I laughed, slowly pulling away to greet Aasim, who continued to neigh with delight as I touched his snout, running a hand through his mane. "Like I could hit you that hard."

"Well, you came close," he said playfully. "I get the feeling you care about me or something."

I parted my pointer finger and thumb less than an inch apart, squinting one eye. "A little bit."

He grinned before turning to Elijah, whose smile was soft but genuine. No matter the tension, he cared for him.

Reaching out his hand, Elijah said, "It is good to see your injuries have been healed."

Jake, who looked to the ground for a moment, nodded. For a quick second, his eyes moved to me before he grasped Elijah's offered hand. "It was the tree. They placed my hand on it, and wham." He snapped his fingers together with a grin. "I was good as new." Shaking his leg, he looked to me as if I would be the one to understand. "Crazy thing is, my leg feels like it did before my injury back home."

My mouth fell open with surprise. "That's amazing," I said.

Looking behind us, Jake began to scan the area. I knew then he must have been looking for Staci. Sighing, his head seemed to lower. "John told me everything," Jake started out. There was a heavy sadness in his voice before he continued. "Did you even find her?"

"We did," I said with hope. "And it's going to be okay. Staci couldn't pass the barrier, but Elijah surrounded her with blue fire. It will keep her safe."

"So she really did use dark magic," he said aloud, like he hadn't believed the news at first.

"It doesn't matter," I started out. "I just know she'll be okay."

Jake looked at me questioningly just as Aziel and John approached us.

"Addisyn," John said lovingly. With outstretched arms, he waited for my embrace. Wrapping my arms around him, his hand touched my hair while the other held me tight. I breathed a sigh of relief. He was okay. We'd all been through the worst circumstances possible, but they were all okay.

"One hates to interrupt such a loving moment, but the sea awaits us. As do the people of Arwick who wish to be set free." When I pulled apart, Aziel smiled at me. "Your mission was a success, I presume?"

"Addisyn doesn't know how to fail," Jake said.

"So not true," I replied, laughing.

"Failing is necessary," Aziel started out. "It teaches one to replace our weaknesses with Divinity's strength."

"Awesome." Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm surrounded by philosophers."

Jake was so quick to make me laugh; it was easy to see why I had liked him for so long. I remembered how I'd seen his friends always laughing at everything he said and how I would imagine myself doing the same. I realized now; it had been so ridiculous of me to shy away from others for so long. It was true that things wouldn't have worked out, considering divinity had always planned for me to be with Elijah, but I had kept myself from having such a wonderful friendship because I'd spent so much of my life afraid.

"Aziel is correct. We should take our leave as soon as we are able," Elijah added.

Looking around, I began to realize just how many of the creatures surrounding us had their eyes fixed on us. There were many deer and elk that spoke to one another with joyous words, saying we'd finally arrived. Birds sat among the branches of the healing tree, singing as their thoughts revealed that their chirps came from a future they imagined, now finally made possible, where they'd be free of dark magic.

When my eyes met each of theirs, each would bow their heads, honoring me like I was royalty (most days I forgot I actually was), though I knew it wasn't regarding my title as princess. They bowed because of the prophecy.

Moving toward me was a prancing fawn. White spots still donned the creature's brown coat, revealing how young it was.

Is it true what everyone says? the young creature said. His soft voice was filled with the same wonder and hope of a child. The kind that makes Santa and his elf toy makers just as real as me.

Kneeling down, I held back my self-doubt, scratching behind his ear, which caused him to giggle. Rising to my feet, I spoke to them all.

"I know what this prophecy means to you all. In fact, when I was trapped in Trayeu, I met a girl whose name was Agatha. She'd been a slave, and when Agatha found out who I was, her and her brother were willing to sacrifice their own lives to help me escape." I closed my eyes, imagining our short time together. "The truth is, I don't know if she's even still alive." My last words began to catch in my throat, causing me to exhale. "But I do know this." When I created a sword, my fairy dust shimmering from my skin, it caused some of the creatures to gasp, having never seen fairy magic before. "Divinity cannot fail, which means the light of Roria will be found, and you will all be free."

Their cheers could have been heard for miles as every bird began to sing, flapping their wings with exclamation. Deer and elk alike mewed and stood on their hind legs while the few badgers that stood near Alona slapped their paws into the dirt and growled, ready for a fight they seemed to think was coming.

Alona, who moved toward me, seemed to be coming around (as much as a badger could, I assumed). She circled my feet before nodding. You must understand, she began, badgers have been protecting this forest for an age. I was chosen as their leader to protect them. When we met, I was hard and cold, but it is clear to me now you have embraced your destiny. As leader of my clan, I offer our allegiance to you and your cause whenever you need us.

"Thank you, Alona. For now, protect this forest as you have been. I have a feeling war is going to be at everyone's doorstep."

And we will fight! I heard one of the badgers yell, causing another uproar of courageous cheers.

When I looked at my friends, they began to move toward me, ready to leave. Elijah, who placed his hand on my cheek, spoke. His words were drawn out by the shouts, but I'd been able to read his lips when he said, "You are everything to me."

With the rush of wind now surrounding my feet, Elijah leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead while his sword drifted us away. 

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