Chapter Thirty-Two

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"How is she?" Elijah inquired while we made our way toward the body of water Priscilla had suggested we check out.

Shrugging, I leaned against his shoulder for a moment while we walked. "She's just being so closed off, ya know? It worries me."

"Addisyn, I hope you understand that there is a part of your sister that has changed drastically. Dark magic is not a kind or loving entity. It is cruel, it is malice, and always self-seeking. She—"

"Elijah, I get it. She's in a bad place," I said, stopping him. "But since I've met you, you've told me that divinity is what I believe it's capable of. Well, I know it can remove all this dark magic from her, and honestly I don't need to know how, but I know it will."

With a side smile, he gently brushed my cheek. "You were right to stop me, dear heart. There can be no room for doubt if we are to believe divinity will do something."

With my hands on my hips, I stopped walking. "You'll back me just like that?"

Elijah let out a bark of a laugh. "Have I submitted too easily for you, dear heart?" His hands wrapped around my back before he briskly pulled me into his chest. "Believe you me, I am a fervent man, and I am certain we will have our share..." He paused, his hands traveling up my back while his eyes grew intense, and I suddenly drew in a breath as my heart began to race. "Of passionate arguments."

He wanted to kiss me. I could sense it, and I would have done nothing to stop him. But instead, he pulled away, giving me a wink. Somehow it only made me want him more, and I realized my reaction was exactly as he had planned.

"In truth we are one flesh, and that means more than an ability to sense each other's emotions. It is about respect, honor, and trust. To find compromise when we don't agree and to stand by one another's choices. It was always my understanding that dark magic could not be removed from a soul that willingly chose it, but I have also been taught that divinity is capable of anything through faith. As such I will trust in faith as you have chosen to do this."

"Please tell me you have a flaw," I said, feeling like I was swooning again.

With a side grin, Elijah spoke. "I have plenty."

"Name five." I crossed my arms, unconvinced.

"Particular foods have been known to cause a great deal of flatulence for me," he told me.

"Gross," I replied as we walked.

"Did you not ask for my faults?" He laughed.

"I take it back." I grimaced, with my hands raised in defeat.

When the color of the trees' flowers changed from shades of pink to blue and the sound of rushing water could be heard, I knew we must be close.

Several otters could be seen playing with one another before they turned to stare at the two of us.

"They are so cute!" I exclaimed. The four of them ran the other way, clearly eager to play without disturbance. "I hope I have the chance to meet at least one otter before we leave," I told him with a kiddish sort of enthusiasm.

With a few more steps, the shrubs that surrounded our feet had changed and were now covered in the most magnificent flowers. Some looked similar to lilies in hues of yellow, purple, pink, and gold but a great deal larger, following our movements like they sensed us walking by.

The river reflected the color of the flowers from the tall trees, causing the surface to look cobalt in color. It moved at a slow but steady pace, and as we reached the edge, I gasped at all the vividly colored fish that came into view. Orange, purple, and green were just to name a few. Then to my delight, a dolphin moved toward the surface. It made several clicking sounds, moving like it was inviting us in.

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