Chapter Fourty-Tw

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Eliora landed just to my left, causing a soft rumble beneath my feet. She was now at least twenty feet in length with an immensely muscular frame. Her teeth were just as menacing as Joash's, even though she was smaller in size. Jake, who jumped off the leather saddle that was snug against Eliora's back, turned to Athalia.

"Staci and Joash made it to the passage. We couldn't stop them," Jake admitted, dispirited.

Eliora lowered her head in defeat. I am very fast, but they had a great distance on us. Eliora released a soft grumble. I am sorry, Jake.

Patting her neck, Jake shook his head. "Come on, El, you were incredible. We almost had them. They just had the upper hand."

My mother now stood before me. Her disheartened eyes were fixed on me, and she was quick to pull me into a tight hug.

"Mom, this isn't over for her," I said firmly.

"I know. I feel divinity confirming this," she answered.

"My queen, there is no time to waste. We should leave for Ethina at once," Athalia suggested. "She knew too much."

With the rest of Edena's leaders now surrounding us, and so many of our kind following suit, Priscilla slowly turned as she spoke. "To Ethina!" she yelled. "Then to war!"

Standing at the edge of a cliff, I gazed at the vast ocean before me. The sun was several feet over the horizon, painting colors across both the water and sky. It was beautiful, but my eyes were fixed on a particular cloud. The parts that touched the sun's rays were on fire, blazing in amber. The other was a dark navy, ominous and cold. My stomach seemed to flip when I considered just how much my future reflected that cloud. War. Peril. Uncertainty. I drew in a breath, forgetting about those around me, and closed my eyes.

"I'm terrified, divinity," I said aloud, knowing it would hear me. "I have faced so much already, and it's haunting me. I can't even sleep without some nightmarish experience." My words came out in a sob, and I felt Elijah's hand begin to gently rub my back, like he was encouraging me to continue. "I really need your help," I finished with a sniffle.

At first I waited. I could hear the Pegasi of other fairies begin to whinny and stomp their front feet. Soon even Eliora's battle cry joined in, but I did what I could to keep my focus on Divinity. Stirring inside my chest, I could feel its answer. Persevere.

It hadn't been the answer I was expecting or even the one I had wanted. But that didn't change its truth. The fight ahead was necessary, and if Kane was going to be defeated, I would have to push forward despite certain sufferings ahead.

I looked to Elijah, who touched my face. I knew he'd felt my distress, and as expected he'd been quick to comfort me. I could still hear the shouts of many fairies but muted them out. I gripped his hand and pulled it to my chest just as he leaned his forehead against my own. He moved, so his lips were right next to my ear, speaking loudly over the outcries around us. "We can overcome this, my great love. Divinity will see to it. Remember, darkness has a way of blinding us from holding on to the smallest of hopes, but not even the weak at heart can't deny how bright a single flame can be."

His words hit a chord I truly needed to hear. I silently thanked divinity's further response by using my one flesh to ease my troubled thoughts.

My mother, having moved to stand beside me, placed her hand on my shoulder. "The eastern shore will lead us to a great storm. But this ominous storm will not be difficult to enter. In fact, it is merely a doorway to a dimension of the mind. A secret dimension known as the fate that also takes those who pass through wherever destiny sees fit. This secret passage only remains secret because it has not been possible for a dark user to meet their fate, but I believe Staci will be the first."

My brows narrowed as Aasim landed beside me, ready for Elijah and me to ride him. "What do you mean meet our fate?"

My mother gave me a reassuring smile. "You will understand soon enough." 

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