Chapter Fifty-Two

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Dark fairy. My eyes flew open at the sound of Joash's voice, and I jumped out of bed like a wild banshee. With a dark blade in hand, I looked around the quiet room. Ahaz was still sound asleep (the jerk had refused to sleep on the floor, so I'd chosen to keep my head opposite of his; he was twice as stubborn as I was), and the only noise was the crackling fire. Fairy. A great army of divinity users approaches! I am to fight them, or you are to be killed. There is no fighting Kane. He cannot be killed. I do not wish to battle a fellow dragon, but your life has become more valuable than even Eliora's. Be ready!

My stomach was in my throat. Everything I feared was now about to take place. I rushed for the door, ready to show Kane's men just exactly who they couldn't touch, but stopped dead in my tracks when it burst open before I could touch it. Jehoram and two other men snatched me by arms.

"What's going on?" I screamed, trying to break out of their grasp. "Where are you taking me?"

"Silence!" Jehoram pressed me against the wall with his hand to my throat. "Stop your struggling, or my men will drag you unconsciously to the front gate." He smiled. "Choose wisely, dark fairy. It would be quite difficult to show the archers who they are meant to leave unharmed if you are not awake to do so."

"Fine," I said under my breath. His goons wasted no time grabbing me, walking so fast my feet practically dragged across the floor.

It wasn't long before Ahaz had caught up with us, but the fact that I was being hauled through the castle like a wild animal didn't seem to have any effect on him. Instead, he looked to Jehoram. "What has the king requested I do?"

"I have seen you with a sword, Ahaz. You are to fight," Jehoram started to say. "But not on the wall. We are saving our strongest fighters for when their troops reach the courtyard." He faced me with his most snakelike smile. "Where Kane's insidious plan truly begins."

Whatever it was, I could tell it was going to be bad. Even my dark magic seemed excited. I couldn't let them see it. I was going to be better than them even if I had to fake it till I made it.

When we got outside the castle, everything was eerily quiet with so few lanterns lit I could hardly see a thing. I could see Kane standing by a few men who were dressed in all black with their faces covered in dark paint. I could hear the footsteps of more soldiers further away, but they'd done such a good job camouflaging themselves they practically blended into the night.

Noticing us approach, Kane turned to me. "My dear Staci." His voice still caused me to shiver. "I sent some men to give word to your dragon. I'm sure he has already communicated this to you." He smiled at me like he enjoyed the idea of this war, but of course he did. It was going to be ugly. I just hoped they'd eventually see it for the lost cause it was and give up. I knew for Adi it was going to take a lot more to surrender than a lost cause but hoped after Selah beat the big one, she'd come around. "You have an important task, and as such I am giving you my spyglass." Kane showed me how to extend the small metal tube before handing it over. "This will help you spot your friends. Once you do, tell my men at once."

"And if they kill them before I do?" I asked, giving him a look.

Kane laughed. "Then I suggest you find them quickly." He looked to the men he'd been speaking to. "Make sure everything is ready. I am to return to the throne room." But when he started to walk away, I wasn't having it.

"That's it?" I yelled. "I'm supposed to find them quickly! You gave me your word!"

Kane jerked around to face me. His eyes burned into mine, and I could practically feel the heat. "I have been more than generous with you, Staci of the New World. But my patience grows thin." He was only inches from my face, staring at me like he knew my magic wanted to bow to him, and he was right, but I kept my body stiff no matter how much it hurt. "You will learn your place or soon discover just how dark my magic can be." With that, he turned away from me again. "Take her to the tower at once."

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