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Nikolai Romanov

Svetlana is thoroughly enjoying the equestrian tour. She doesn't mind the damage she's done, nor does she care she has inserted herself into Hathor's safe space.

It does bother me, and I'm not enjoying this one bit. I don't want to drink, I don't want to ride a horse, I don't want to learn about wine — I want to be with Hathor and beg for her forgiveness for this interruption to a trip that was supposed to be a friend's getaway.

I do trust Lev is keeping her safe, but he often crosses lines — he could possibly want to fuck her, and just like Hathor, he has a talent for seduction. He won't coarse her into anything, but he has been described by many people as irresistible; he awakens passions. I don't want him to awaken any passion in Hathor. If he does, I'll punch him until my hands are broken.

"Isn't this gorgeous, baby?" Svetlana asked with a smile as her eyes scanned the vineyard we are riding through. "Maybe we should get married here. What do you think about it?"

"We are not engaged," I said with an arched eyebrow.

"Not yet, at least," she looked at me as her smile grew into a grin. "We still have the New Year ahead of us; you could ask me then."

"If and whenever I ask you to marry me, I wouldn't want you see it coming, Svetlana," I told. "Let's just focus on the fucking wine," I huffed, getting past her.

Hathor Bloom

"So you've been living in Italy for three years now?" I asked as he served me a bowl of the heirloom tomato soup he made for me.

"Four years in two weeks," he replied, placing the bowl in front of me. "It's peaceful here, away from the city — it's so different from the life Nikolai and I used to live when we were in special forces."

"Do you miss it?" I picked up my spoon. "Nikolai never talks about it, so if it makes you uncomfortable—"

"No no," he shook his head "it's all right. Well, um, it was a life without warmth in it. It was a brotherhood, but the scars of our missions sometimes drove us away from each other — we never talked much about the job. Your Nikolai wanted to, but everyone always steered away from it."

"He's not my Nikolai; he's just Nikolai," I cleared my throat. "What about you? Did you ever want to talk about the missions?"

He leaned on the kitchen counter with a gentle smile "Those aren't times one would want to relive," he explained. "From time to time I would speak of it with Nikolai, but it always brought me sorrow. However, for his sake, he always talked to me about it — even if I only listened, that always made him feel better. He's a sensitive person, which makes him very precious."

I couldn't help but smile at his comment, so I hid it by trying the soup; it's delicious "He does make you feel understood and safe at all times. This soup is delicious, Lev, thank you for making it for me."

Lev chuckled "I would like to hear more about how my friend makes you feel; it seems quite important to you and you're clearly important to him."

"We're best friends," I stated, and it's true. No matter what I feel for Nikolai, he can only be my friend. "He's my safety blanket and I'm his, or so he has told me."

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