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Hathor Bloom

A lot of things go unsolved in life. I can understand the reasons behind a cheating in a relationship, Romeo's reason to take his life was also quite obvious, but I'll never be able to comprehend the reason of why a parent abandons their baby or just completely ignores them. That's something I'm yet find a resolution for.

Today is the last day of work of the man who has taken care of me since I was born – he has been my protector since my first day on Earth – and has acted as a father figure my entire life. It's hard imagining a life without him in it, but it's time for him to retire and enjoy life to its fullest.

"Who am I going to talk to on a daily basis?" I asked, glancing up at Robert as we walked arm in arm.

The man with slightly grey hair flashed one of his heart-warming smiles "Your father and your aunt."

I frowned "You know my father isn't fond of me, and he avoids me at all costs."

"I know better than anyone that your father has a complex character, and that he has displayed behavior a child should never receive from a parent but it's about time you confront him for real, and I cannot do that for you Hathor — even if I wish I could," Robert caressed my cheek lovingly. "I know it won't be an easy road, my dear, but it's time. Besides, I'll always be one call away." Robert is moving to the Hamptons with his wife, so I won't be able to see them as often as I would like to.

"But I want you to be a step away," I wrapped my arms tightly around his torso. "Please don't leave me, you'll be six hours away."

Robert wrapped his arms around me and pecked my head "You're going to be just fine," he whispered, "you're stronger than you think."

"Who is going to take care of me now?" I looked up at him as tears slid down my face.

"You'll meet him tonight at the party," he looked into my eyes with tenderness "I vetted him myself so I know you'll be in the best hands, okay?"

I nodded as he gently wiped my tears away "Okay."

A gentle smile curved his lips "We should go inside, you have class."

I took a step back and sniffled "How do I look?"

"Beautiful," he replied with a smile "but that's no surprise."

We walked through campus until we were in front of my faculty. Apart from Robert, there are another eight people in my escort, including my chauffeur, Aiden. The reason for me to have such a big body of security is because of my family fortune and the work my father does — he's powerful and a lot of people could use me as leverage, although I don't know if he would give a flying fuck if I were ever in danger.

The school day was boring since this is the last week of classes before finals and none of the teachers want to do reviews; they all give in to the pleas of the students to watch movies, so we are watching movies.

I'm studying History of Art because my dad asked me to have a bachelor's degree in something before moving to Italy to paint, write and photograph while I live in the countryside — it was one of the rare occasions in which he was willing to talk to me, but I believe he only did it so I would stop calling his assistant and following him around the house.

Once classes were over, I walked back to the car with Robert by my side and two bodyguards behind us "You're going to get along perfectly with the new guy."

"What's his name?" I looked at Robert as he opened the back door of the black SUV for me.

"Nikolai Romanov," he replied.

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