Vulgar exchange

388 21 3

Nikolai Romanov

At 3 am, thirty minutes into trying to sleep, I was rudely kept awake by creaking and thuds coming from the master bedroom, directly above Svetlana's. Hathor and Lev are clearly fucking, again. After fifteen minutes of enduring their loud session, I slipped out of bed to go back to my bedroom, which is down the hall from Hathor's.

Her moans were loud and clear. Sex is important in a relationship conformed by two sexual beings, and though I wish I could be in Lev's place at the moment, that's not what I want to share the most with her. I just want another kiss, and have her hold me as she held me.

All my life I thought kisses were something mundane, something you can share with anyone, but after kissing Hathor, I don't know how I feel about kissing someone else...I've never felt like she made me feel in those precious seconds. She made me feel nervous, excited and shy. When our lips touched I knew it would be hard to stop; it felt as if we were being pulled together.

My love for Svetlana does exist, but I never felt this for her. I never felt this need and ache to kiss her or have her in my arms. I never woke up every morning thinking about her, and went to sleep wishing nothing more than to share a bed with her so I could hold her and give her kisses behind her ears.

At dinner, it was hard to keep my thoughts straight. All I could think about was leaping over the table to kiss her again. I know I said it was a mistake, and I know that might've hurt Hathor but considering my situation, it was the right thing to do.

When I was with Svetlana, having sex, all I could think about was sharing an intimate moment with Hathor. These past few weeks have been filled with opportunities to take that step, and the day before yesterday was one of them; in the movie theater, we could've done whatever we wanted to each other — I saw it in her eyes when she climbed on top of me that she wanted the same as me, but I was too much of a coward to take initiative.

This will be a hard night, but I have to move on. I don't think this is a meaningless platonic crush, I know it's something I've never felt before and want to keep on feeling. However, it's not the right thing to think of another woman when you're in a committed relationship.

For the next hour, I tried to sleep and even became accustomed to the joint moans of the two. Once I fell asleep, I didn't wake up until noon the next day — Lev came to wake me up with a shot of espresso.

"Good morning, little angel," he smiled down at me.

A deep sigh left my mouth as I rubbed my eyes "You're still here?"

"Da," he took a sip from his mug. "Ya yey nravlyus', ya ne ponimayu, pochemu ya dolzhen idti," he explained and then smiled.

(Yes. She likes me, I don't see why I should be gone.)

I scoffed, sitting up "Yesli ty prichinish' yey bol', ya slomayu tebe chelyust'," I warned, picking up the espresso he brought me.

(If you hurt her, I'll break your jaw.)

Lev chuckled "Uspokoysya, my prosto druz'ya. Krome togo, my ne vstrechalis' vchera," he patted my leg. "Ya znayu, chto ona tebe nravitsya—"

(Calm down, we're just friends. Besides, we met yesterday. I know you like her—)

"Ona mne ne nravitsya," I stated. "Gdye ona?"

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