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Hathor Bloom

It's hypnotic; the way Henry moves around the kitchen, without thinking his next move but as if his body already knew what has to be done. He's making French onion soup and the dish I was supposed to make with my aunt, apart from some French fries.

"Did you always know you wanted to be a chef?" I asked with a smile.

Henry glanced at me as a smile curved his lips "Yes; I've always loved the effect food has on people and how it can bring them together."

My smile grew "That's really sweet, Henry. So you are a family man." 

"How could I not be with the amount of relatives I have?" He said with a chuckle. "What about you, Hathor? Do you consider yourself a family woman?"

The question made me nervous "Well, you know how complicated my family is, so I've never known—"

"Hathor," he leaned on the kitchen island and looked into my eyes "what I meant was: do you ever want to have a family of your own? You know, a spouse and some kids."

My cheeks turned hot as I tried to keep eye contact — he makes me nervous; anyone who shows a bit of care for me makes me nervous, because I'm scared of saying the wrong thing that will cause them to lose interest.

My sight fell to my fidgety hands — I'm scared of my answer, even if I know it very well "Having people who love and need me is all I've ever wanted," I glanced at him and he was softly smiling. "It's been my Christmas wish since I can remember, but with everything I've been through with men, I highly doubt it will ever come true."

"Hathor, look at me," he softly said, and I immediately complied. "You're still very young, and have much time to find someone and fall in love. I know that the things your father has put you through have led you to believe that you won't find love or deserve it in the first place." Henry walked around the kitchen island to stand beside me and I immediately turned my body his way "We can make a promise right here on this kitchen," he told "if by the time you turn 25 you haven't found someone who you remotely consider to be husband material, I'll ask you to marry me and we can have as many children as you want."

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him "Would you do that for me?" My voice broke.

"It wouldn't be an effort at all," he replied as his fingers combed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Though, I know that soon you'll find that special someone who will love you more than anyone and anything."

I grinned, looking up at him "You really think someone could ever love me?"

"How could anyone not love you, Hathor?" His fingers moved to my jaw. "It would be fucking insane..." our eyes locked, making me nervous.

"Anyone who falls in love with me would be fucking insane," I said, letting his fingers caress the side of my neck.

"Anyone who doesn't is out of their mind," Henry leaned down to peck my forehead. "You know I'll always stand in your corner, Hathor. I promise."

"Thank you, Henry."

After our talk, Henry continued making dinner for us and he asked me to sit in the nook while he fixed our plates. It's weird to eat here if it's not with Nikolai, but that doesn't make this time with Henry any less enjoyable.

The first course was the French onion soup "I am grateful you let me spend Christmas night with you, Hathor," he said, pouring wine into my glass.

"I am even more grateful you took the time to come spend it with me," I gently rubbed his arm. "I know our friendship has been far from common, but you've always known when I needed someone and all those times you've helped me."

Hathor [18+]Where stories live. Discover now