
393 21 5

Nikolai Romanov

I haven't been able to have a real conversation with my girlfriend in fifteen days, which is the time I've been doing this job. Though it's not because I don't have time, but because Svetlana has been extremely busy with school so I'm excited we'll finally be able to speak today.

After my usual morning routine — this time I made sure my hair is as Svetlana likes it — I made myself my first espresso of the day in the kitchen I share with Aiden and Chef Henry, and went back to my bedroom. The photograph Hathor gifted me already has a place above my bed, and I'm hoping Svetlana likes it as well, since it will one day hang in our home.

Before talking to my girlfriend, I'm going to speak with my mother whom I speak with daily, always at 5:30 am on the dot for me — it's almost noon or already noon in Russia by now so she'll be having her usual noon tea "Privet mama," I greeted as soon as she picked up "kak dela?"

(Hi mum, how are you?)

"Privet moy mal'chik," she said, making me smile. "Ya v poryadke, s tvoim papoy, p'yushchim chay," mum told in a happy tone that warms my heart. "A kak u tebya dela?"

(Hi my little boy. I'm okay, drinking tea with your daddy. What about you?)

My smile grew into a grin "Potyagivaya utrenniy espresso, cherez pyatnadtsat' minut zvonok Svetlane."

(Drinking my morning espresso, in fifteen minutes I have a call with Svetlana.)

She hummed "Kak dela na rabote? YA byl udivlen, kak skoro u tebya byla pervaya poyezdka s ney."

(How's the job going? I was surprised by how soon you had your first trip with her.)

I nodded as I took a sip of my coffee "Ya tozhe byl udivlen, no predydushchiy glava sluzhby bezopasnosti Khator predupredil menya, chto vozmozhny spontannyye puteshestviya," I explained. "Eto byla ochen' veselaya poyezdka, k tomu zhe ona pomogla ustanovit' doveritel'nyye otnosheniya."

(I was surprised as well, but Hathor's previous chief of security warned me about the possibility of spontaneous trips. It was very fun, besides, it helped us create a trust bond.)

"I'm happy you're making new friends," she stated. "Otherwise the groom side of your wedding will only be Lev, Konstantin, your sister, us and your team."

"Mama!" I chuckled "I have more friends than that, but the people you mentioned are the only ones I need there, apart from my beautiful bride."

My mum chuckled "Kol'tso u menya uzhe yest'. Kogda ty zadash' yemu vopros?"

(I have the ring already. When will you ask her?)

"Kak tol'ko ya smogu posetit'," I replied, getting shy about it.

(As soon as I can visit her.)

"Menya raduyet, chto ty tak vzvolnovan, moy malysh," she said in a softer tone.

(It makes me happy that you're so excited, my baby boy.)

I chuckled "Ya ne mog byt' schastliveye, mama," my phone vibrated against my ear so I pulled it away to check — it was a text from Svetlana, letting me know she wouldn't be able to take my call. A frown appeared upon my face; I had been looking forward to this for days now, but I understand her PhD can't wait, and I can.

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