Chapter 1

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"Buibui, your turning 18 next month are you ready to meet your mate?" my friend Us asked me while lying on the grass looking at sky.

"I'm not" I sadly said and closed my eyes lied down next to him.

"But why? I'm envy you because you know that someone is waiting for you. And love you till you get old" he asked me again.

"You think if they saw me, they will like a ugly like me?" I said hurt because of my own word.

When we go out and try to visit the village everyone calls me ugly, monster or a beast because of my physical appearance.

I even don't know who are family. Maybe because they are not happy because I'm not as beautiful like the others. That's why they throw me away.

Me and my friends Us are living in one of the coven far away from the village. Like literally far away, that no one can sees us. We've been living here since I was 10, and him he was 12 that time.

I know I'm a werewolf but till now, I even don't know what it looks like. Because I didn't transform into my wolf form yet.

"But Bui, you are beautiful. Why don't you believe me?" he insisted.

He keeps on telling me that I'm beautiful.

But all I can see is the excess skin on my face like an old person. I also have a scale of snake on half of my back.

"Because I am not" I whispered and my tears are rolling down my cheeks again.

Who wants to be with me if I'm like this I said to myself.

"Bui, don't cry please. I want you to find your mate, cause he is the only one who can help you." he said trying to comfort me.

But my cry turn into sob. Because I know they will reject or kill me when they saw me.

"If only I can help you with my magic. That crazy bitch Tong. I'm going to kill you when I see you." he shouted on top of his lungs.

I forgot to tell you that he is a witch, and their head took his magic. He didn't tell me the reason why though.

Tong is the head of the witches and more powerful than him. I have this feeling that he is the one who cursed me.

I wanted to go and talk to him, but he is somewhere else we don't know.

Us told me that it's been a long time since he didn't come back. He is here with me because they are making fun of him, for not having his own magic with him.

"How are you going to kill him?" now I'm laughing while crying like crazy.

"I'm going to put spell on him" he said determine.

"Us, don't forget that you don't have your magic" I reminded him smiling.

"It's so frustrating like this you know, I miss how to fly in the sky using my broom" he said waving at the sky.

"Can I ride in your broom when you get back your magic" now I'm also imagining that I am flying with him.

"Yup, then when are up there."he pointed at the sky" I'm going to push you down." he said then he started laughing hard.

"Wow I'm having such a good friend" I said hitting him.

"Of course I'm going to catch you and do it again" he said happily.

"You're so mean" I said and looked back at the sky again.

He is really good at making me laugh every time I cried. I'm so thankful that he is here with me. If not maybe a long time ago, I'm already at the ground with only skeleton.

"Oh shit, I think I also forgot how to say those words again. I need to read those boring books again" he said kicking the air like a kid.

"Let me read them for you" this is not the first time I asked him.

"Your not allowed, your not a witch. You don't even understand what written on them. Remember you are a wolf, a beautiful wolf"

"Stop with the beautiful word. I'm not believeng you anymore" I told him covering my ears.

"Pete look at me" he said and hold my face removing my hands.

"You are beautiful and that is true. If only I can used something to show you behind this." then he caressed my face "You are going to believe me" he continued while looking at my eyes.

"I'm scared" thats also true. I'm scared what's going to happen when my mate will see me.

"Don't be scared, you know that I'm here. No matter what happen in the future. I'm going to help you. You are my family now. My only family." now I'm becoming emotional again because of what he told me.

"Thank you" that's the only word that I can say.

"Okey enough with the drama and let's go find something to eat" he said and got up.

"Let's go hunt" I suggested excitedly.

"It's easier to hunt in your wolf form." he said looking at me.

"But I don't know how do it" I said because some kids they already transformed in their wolf since they are 7 years old. But for me, I'm already 17 but I never transform and I'm dying to see my wolf form.

"I know, when the time comes you transform, your wolf look bea...."

"Let's just go fishing" I said hurriedly and get up interrupting him.

"Okey fine, let's see who can catch the biggest fish. Who ever loses, he is going to cook it, deal?" he said.

"Deal" I answered him and we both run to the river down to our coven house.

We are happily catching fish when suddenly I hear some scratches from the bush nearby bushes.

"Us, we need to go" I called him but he is enjoying catching the fish in front of us.

Then I heard some howling after that.

So this is the first chapter....

I hope to see all in the next chapter as well... Muahugs 💙

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