Chapter 3

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"Are you two done making fun of him?" an angry Us came after hearing the two scream after seeing me. Both shocked and terrified.

"They didn't" I said and hid my face on the scarf on my neck and go sit in the corner of the coven.

It's not new to me if they are going to laugh or scream when the first thing they saw is kind of scary.

I get used to it already since when we were younger, always going out to visit the village near to us before. But that was a long time a go.

"Both of you, if you are going to laugh or say anything to him I'm going to turn you into a frog" he threatened them.

"Don't speak to my alpha like that" the other guy snapped, and looking at Us with those scary eyes.

"Alpha? I thought alpha are strong enough to take care of them selves." said Us with his eyes brows furrowed.

"Exhaustion, hunger what do you think we're going to end up it's been three days since we didn't eat." he complained while scrunching his face when he force himself to stand up.

"Both of you enough arguing" the so called Alpha finally talk.

Even his voice are sexy my mind said and my eyes went wild after saying them.

What's happening to me?

Since I saw him yesterday, I feel like I've known him for so long. And I'm liking his scent so much that I wanted to snuggle up with him for a long time.

This feeling is new to me, I didn't feel anything like this before.

When I glance at him, I move away my eyes away quickly when I see him staring at me.

Why is he staring at me like that I said to myself and I feel insecure about about it.

"You" I hear the Alpha guy speak again.

I don't know who is he talking to because I turn my gaze on to the floor playing with the stick and stone.

"Hey You in the corner" he called again.

"Don't you him, he has a name" Us shouted.

"Okey, omega come here" he said in his alpha voice and I quickly stand up and go to him submitting myself.

"Why did you use your alpha voice to him, you get out of our Coven now" Us shouted at them again, i can feel his  anger now.

"I didn't mean to, I just want to confirm something" he said and didn't look at me "You can go back now" he continued  and I quickly move myself because my body can't resist his scent.

They are more stronger now that he is awake.

I stand up and try to walk but my knees felt jelly and almost fall on the floor.

Us run quickly to help me.

"Are you okey baby? He asked me and help me sat down to corner back again.

After helping me he went back to alpha and talked to him.

"Did you use your pheromones to him too?" he whispered but I can hear them clearly.

I think he forgot that I am a half wolf too. Our sense of hearing are quite good compared to a normal human.

Instead of answering him, he asked him a question about a pack.

(I'm naming their packs, same as the birthstones. MILE PACK - EMERALD, BIBLE PACK - GARNET, BUILD PACK - SAPPHIRE. Those are my favorite 😊)

"Do you know the way to Emerald Pack?" he asked but interrupted by the other guy. Maybe he is a beta because I can't smell anything from since he is here.

"Why not just go home alpha"

"You know my answer to that question Nodt. I'm not going till I...." he didn't continue what he wants to say and look at me with a sad eye. Not only a sad eyes but also a disappointed one.

"Whyyyyyy" he shouted, and I can feel he is stressed in to something. My body  wants to go and comfort him that everything is okey. But I'm afraid he will shoved me on the ground if I do that.

Why am I so affected by his emotions. This is do frustrating.

"Nodt we need to leave as soon as possible" he said and try to get up like he is not injured and covering his nose too.

I sniffed the air in the Coven, if there is a stinky smell but nothing.

"Where are we going Alpha" the Nodt asked and get up also.

He look at Us and asked the same question earlier if he knows the way to emerald pack.

"I will show you the way. Bui stay here okey. And don't think about going outside." he said seriously but didn't look at me, like he is hiding something.

I'm not afraid staying there by myself, but why does he need to go with them.

"Why do you need to go with them?" i want my curiosity to be answered so I asked him.

"Bui just do what I said" he said but now he is raising his voice.

Now I'm hurt because this is the first time he raised his voice to me, and with other people hearing it too. And now  am I crying because of that. I'm so sensitive.

Then Us run to me and hug me.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice. I didn't mean to" he said caressing my back.

I didn't say any word and just let my tears fall down.

"I will explain to you later when I get back. And remember don't go outside, just stay here" he said now holding my jaw and wiping my tears.

I just nodded because I'm controlling the sob that wants to come out.

"If you don't want anything that happens to you in the future, you should know how to control your pheromones." he said before going out.

Now I'm confused to what he told me and keep thinking till my lower stomach started hurting like hell.

And having an erection and I can feel some sticky substance coming from my hole.

Have a good day and night muahugs

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