Chapter 10

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I'm so happy that I wanted to shift and howl when he told me that he will choose to be his mate.

He is making me fall hard for him even more.

I also want to hug and pinned him under me.

"What's that sound?" he asked me and move around like he is hearing something I can't here.

"What sound?" I asked and looked around too but I can't hear anything.

Then he went closer to like me, like really really close to me.

He moves his head and stops at my chest.

"Why is your heart beating so loud?" he asked, and even touch it and stay there for a while.

My heartbeat accelerated again because of his sudden action.

I closed my eyes to control myself from doing unnecessary things to him.

I can feel his warm hand on my chest and I want to pin him now, but I need to control myself from doing it.

I don't want him to hate me.

"My Queen, please remove your hands now" I whispered.

"I'm sorry about that," he apologized and rushed to move away from me.

"It's fine don't think about it so much, I just want to avoid hurting you. You are the Queen and I'm an unmated Alpha. I should respect you and not hurt you," I honestly said and I can see him hugging himself now.

He didn't say anything and put his head on his knees instead.

"Bui, are you okay?" I asked concerned because he was quiet now.

"I'm sorry again, I didn't know. I shouldn't have done that," he murmured on his knees.

"Hey, it's okay. If you want you can touch it again," why did I'm saying those words now?

I want to comfort him with my words, but I think my words are not right.

"No, I'm not gonna do that again. Your mate gonna get mad at me if he knows that I'm touching his," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"It's okay, I will not tell him," if only I could tell you that you are my mate, I've done that since yesterday.

"Why are you making this complicated for me?" He said getting mad at me and I didn't even do anything.

"Please don't get mad. And it's not complicated though, we didn't even mate yet. So he can't say anything about it. Plus you're My Queen," I whispered the last part.

"Please stop being nice to me,"

"No, I'm not going to that,"

"Please, I might steal you away from your mate, if you keep on doing that to me," he said I can feel that he is sulking now.

I don't know if he is joking or what. But I'm so happy to hear that from him.

"Sorry for doing this Bui" then I pulled him in my arms and hug him so tightly.

Now I'm feeling so blissful because of that hug. He didn't even push me away and stayed in my arms like that.

My heart going crazy again from beating so loudly.

"Are you sure you're not going to tell your mate about what I did earlier?" he murmured and hesitated to ask in my chest.

"Yes, I'm not going to say anything, if that's the Queen's order," I answered him happily while enjoying our hug and smiling from ear to ear.

"Then don't tell him this too," he said hugging me back so tightly.

I don't want this to end, I want this forever my mind said.

"Why are you not afraid of me?" he asked me again.

"I don't know," I lied because I don't want to give him more problems, telling him that he is my mate, but I'm not his mate. It's very complicated and confusing.

A long silence and only the sound of the night can be heard between us.

Then I can feel his body shivering from time to time

"Are you cold?" I asked still hugging him, and I don't want to let him go that easily. I want him to stay in my arms.

"Yes," he answered shortly, and even his voice are shaky too.

"Let's go down then, to warm you up," I suggested but my arms are still at his waist.

"No I don't want." he snuggles himself to me more.

"Are you sure about that?" I asked then I noticed something.

"Bui, can I touch your face?" I asked getting nervous.

"Why do you want to touch my face, they are disgusting," he mumbles sadly

"Please, can I,?" I asked again with a pleading voice this time.


After hearing him say that I remove my hug from me, and he does the same.

Then he held my cold and shaky hands and put them in his face.

"Tong is not in here," was the first thing I said after touching his face.

Now why the moon didn't show up this time? Why the world is so dark?

I wanted to see his face. I want to see him without those extra skin in him.

"I can feel that too," he said extremely happy too.

"Mind me if I do this?" I asked praying to the moon goddess that he will let me do what I want now.

"Okey," he answered without even asking what I wanted to do to him.

I keep on touching his face because I want to memorize it by touching them.

How I wish I can see him right now.

His nose, cheeks, forehead, jaws, eyebrows, and lastly his lips.

But I don't want to memorize that part by only touching it with my hands.

"Bui, My Queen spare me for doing this. But I can't control myself anymore," I apologize and captured his lips this time.

The first kiss that I waited for so long, and finally I did it to my mate.

I don't really know how to kiss, but I've seen my cousin and his mate kiss many times in front of me. And some other Mated werewolves too, so I think I know what I am doing now.

I put my both hands around his head and gently caressed them, while my lips are nipping his lower lips.

After that, I can feel him answering my kiss too.

They said the no need to learn something like this, just follow the rhythm of what you felt. And that feeling will lead you to happiness.

Please read my other story too.

VegasPete Fanfiction they are already completed. CHOOSING YOU, LETTING GO, LOSING YOU, LOVING YOU.

And I have 1 MacauChay story and book 1 of the story is already done, and book 2 will end soon... Thank You... Muahugs.

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