Chapter 15

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My head started throbbing in pain and I didn't even hear what Bible said.

The howling inside my head was very loud, and I cannot even bare it.

I pushed him so I can held my head that it feels like it's gonna explode any minute now.

I looked at him asking for help, but all I can see is his worried face. He's talking to me but I can't even hear his voice.

The throbbing in my head continues till I past out.

"My Queen" the voice calls me, but I don't see anyone around me.

I tried squinting my eyes for a couple of times to look around me but all I can see is darkness.

"Hello, where am I?" I asked and feeling agitated too.

"My Queen" the voice said again, her voice sounds like she's in a wishing well.

"Please come out. Don't scare me" I said again then suddenly a small light came from nowhere I don't know.

I covered my eyes because the brightness of the light is to bright to look at.

When I adjusted my vision towards the light, I can finally see clearly who is in front of me.

"Who are you?" i asked because she's so beautiful and unreal

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"Who are you?" i asked because she's so beautiful and unreal.

"Moon Goddess" she said, but I can't even see her mouth moving but why I can hear her.

My eyes went wide when I heard what she said.

"Moon Goddess" I said and kneel in front of hear.

I don't know what to feel about meeting the moon goddess myself. It's scary and exciting at the same time.

"Did I already die?" i asked when I realized where am I.

"No, I just wanted to see you, and prepare you for everything that's going to happen."

"What do you mean Moon Goddess?" i ask again because they are not explaining to me everything.

Us didn't tell what's going to happen when I turned eighteen.

"You don't need to know everything. You, yourself are going to discover everything when you go back there"

I didn't know why I didn't answer her, nor question her again.

"My Queen, all I can say now is be brave and believe in yourself. I know I choose the right one to rule the Werewolves Kingdom"

"Yes, Moon Goddess" I want to think of what's going to happen when I get back, but there is something that trying to block them away from my head.

"You don't need to think now" he told me, like she knows what I am thinking right now.

"Yes Moon Goddess" I answered her again.

"Everything happens for a reason, My Queen. Just be yourself and do what you need to do. I know we're going to meet again in the future. Good bye for now." then she disappeared.

After she disappeared, I fall asleep instantly.

Waking up again with so many howlings around me. I don't have any headache anymore.

All I know is the guy and I are in his haven place, but why I can smell so many Alphas pheromones now.

I open my eyes and see Us with other guy next to him.

"Queen, you're awake" both of them said in unison and come closer to me.

"Queen? I'm not eighteen yet" I told them.

Then both of them looked at each other.

"It's been a month since you fall asleep. And tonight, you are turning to be their Queen" Is told me, but why is he crying while he's saying that to me.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and went to him and hug him like he always do when I cried.

"After you found your mate tonight, our mission here is done and we are going back to where we used to be" Tong said and he is also crying.

"What do you mean? You can't leave just like that" I told them and now I am crying too.

Now I'm blaming myself because why I didn't ask Moon Goddess for them to say with me.

"I'm going to miss you Bui" Us said again and tighten our hug.

"Can you please not go. I want you stay with me" I pleaded.

"We want too, I like in here now" Yong admitted.

"Yeah you want to stay here now because you found someone" Us said hurt.

"Look whose talking, you found someone first, before I found him" Tong said and sob again.

I pushed Us to look at me.

"You found your mate? But how?" I asked him, but we are still crying together.

"We don't even know what happened, After I meet Jj, I can feel something about him. Then he told me, that he is my mate. Same thing happened with Tong to Pong." he said hurt.

"But why are you hurt?"

"We don't know what to do, Bui. I don't want to leave my mate. But we need too, we only came here for you and not them." Us said

Moon Goddess, what am I going to do now?

"Maybe i can talk to the Moon Goddess, for the both of you" I told them, trying to comfort them.

I don't want to see them like. I want everyone to be happy.

"You met the Moon Goddess?" Tong asked me in disbelief.

I nod as na answer.

"So this is why you feel asleep for a long time. He is preparing you for tonight."

Now both of become serious again.

"Bui, all the Alpha's tonight wants you. But you can only choose one Alpha." they told me.

"I already have in mind" I told them smiling.

"Who is he?" they asked me.

Then when I tried to remember his name, my mind feels so empty that I can't say anything.

I tried to think the guy name again, but why can't I.

"Bui, what happened?" Tong asked me, and both of looks so worried.

"Why I can't remember him? I want him to be my mate" I told them being confused with myself.

When I tried to think of him again, all the memories we shared together are all gone.

Another update... I hope I can update again tonight...

Please don't hate me.... 🤣 🤣 🤣

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