Chapter 11

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That night I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm asking myself why did I even let him kissed me.

Did I like him, or just carried away from situation I'm in?

Morning comes and I didn't get much of sleep. I left him there last night when I know he already falls asleep.

"Bui we need to get out of here as soon as possible" Us told me when we are kitchen having some breakfast.

"But why do we need to leave, I thought we are safe here?" he is confusing me now.

"If we stay here, they might know that we are here. We are just going to Alpha Bible pack for the mean time." he told me while stuffing his mouth with food.

"Ehhh, why he didn't tell me last night?" i asked myself confused again.

After eating our food, My brother Apo and his Alpha Kinn came and talked to me.

We talked like an hour before saying goodbye for now. Because I know I will be back before the mating day.

They said that are going to prepare everything before the full moon comes, the mating day for me.

I don't know why they said they are going to prepare everything. All I know is I'm just going to meet my mate that day.

On the way to GARNET PACK, no one dares to talk me. Even Bible, he didn't say anything after seeing me again this morning till now.

He looks like he's in deep thoughts like me.

Is he even thinking about our kiss? Now why did I even think of that kiss again. I wanted to forget about it, but every time I looked at him. All I remember is his lips into mine.

"We are here" that's the only word that Bible said after our journey. Like the whole afternoon that we are walking all together.

I didn't look at him and sulk behind them.

Nodt and Us get along since we are at my brothers Pack.

"Are you okey?" Bible starled me, that I didn't notice he came next to me.

"Did you say anything?" i asked because I didn't hear anything from him before.

Like my mind is out of this world. I don't know why mind keeps on drifting on that kiss.

"I'm asking if you enjoy our... " I didn't let him finish and answered him immediately.

"Yes I enjoy the kiss last night " then I hear him chuckle after saying that.

I closed my eyes because of embarrassment. Why did I even say that to him. Now he knows that I like kissing him.

"Good to know" he said still chuckling.

"Can you stop smiling" I whispered and didn't look at him.

"Why, are you embarrassed? Don't worry only me and you who knows about what happened last night. And I enjoyed the kissed too. My Queen" he said then wink at me when I glance at him.

Is he flirting with me? My heart is beating like crazy again. Why do i need to feel this way.

It's good that I covered my face again and Tong is there, or else he will see me blushing.

"Build let's go" he called and then we walked to their Pack house.

Everyone is looking at us, especially towards me. Their eyes are like a hawk that any moment they are going to claws me.

Because Bible was holding me from my back, like I don't know how to walked.

Then before we enter their house, I went behind him.

"Bible, I know you're coming back today." a man shouted after entering their house.

"Dad, no need to shout" Bible said irritated by his father.

"Oh who are they?" he asked when he noticed us behind him.

"That is Build and this is Us, they are from..."

"From emerald Pack Alpha" I say it instead of him now his father is looking at us like he is not convinced to what I just told him.

"Where is that Emerald Pack?" he asked then Bible pulled me by my hands.

"Dad they need to rest now, they are tired from walking" he shouted while holding my hand walking faster this time.

When I looked behind me, Us is also with Nodt running away from Bible's father.

"Bible come back here I'm still talking to you" his father shouted.

"Don't listen to him, he's nice but sometimes annoying. And I don't want you to get uncomfortable because of him" he said while we're walking yo somewhere I don't know.

He's being nice to me again. For sure I'm going to still him from his mate.

No abort mission, I'm not going to that. You're supposed to be the role model of them, not the other way around, I scolded myself.

"Don't worry, I'm not letting anyone come near you."

I want this kind of treatment, but his kindness is confusing and bothering meat the same time.

Is he only doing that because I'm the Queen? I asked myself but why my heart is hurting. Why do i need to feel hurt by thinking of it.

Am I hoping that he will look at me differently, like a mate does.

"Where here" he told and squeeze my hand a little bit.

"Where are we?" i asked but when I looked around I think I know where are we, in his room.

But something caught my attention. There is someone sleeping in his bed.

"Who are you?" he said in his Alpha voice, my knees also trembles because of that.

Then the small guy hurriedly hug himself and started crying.

"Who are you? , and why are you in my room?" Bible asked again and now he removed his hand on mine.

He wants to grabbed the crying boy but I bit him. I pulled him first and face him to me, looking straight in his eyes. They are red and scary, but I don't feel any danger.

"Bib, calm down don't scare him" I told him.

I don't know what kind of voice did I used, because now his eyes are becoming his human eyes again.

After that, I went to the bed and calm the scary guy but still didn't stop from crying.

"Please don't hurt me" he said while sobbing.

"We're not gonna hurt" I said calmly and try to touch him but he flinched.

"What did they do to you?" i asked again trying to asked him what happened why is he crying like that.

"The Alpha from my Pack sold me to become a mate for someone. But I don't like it, I want my real mate." he said now whimpering.

My heart hurt after I heard what he said.

"What's your name?"


"What Pack did you came from?" now Bible ask in his usual voice.


My blood boils after hearing his answer.

Sorry for the late update .....

My MacauChay story is completed. You can check it out...

Sorry for those who loves KimChay, but your authornim is Team MacauChay....

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