Chapter 8

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After seeing him fainted, I hurriedly run to him to catch him before he falls on the floor.

They asked me to put him in one of the room to rest. Maybe he was so exhausted from comprehending about the revelation in his life.

Even me, I'm having a headache hearing  them. I don't know wether to be happy that I have a mate. Not just a mate but a Queen? How did that happen, I'm just imagining a simple life with him, far away from the others and now...

"I know that Bui is your mate, but don't be happy about it yet" Us interrupted me from spacing out.

"What did you say? And what do you mean by not being happy?" i asked confused.

"You know about the prophecy right? But the thing is, you don't know the truth about them. So if I were you, don't imagine things to early" he said looking me at like his reading my soul.

"I'm not imaging things, I want only my mate and that's all." I said and started getting mad because of what he just told me.

"Come, let's talk outside, I will explain to you everything." after that we went outside with everyone.

After sitting down another man came in.

"Tong why did you left him?" Us said shocked.

"It's okey I don't feel any danger as of now" he said and look at us.

"Who are you?" asked Mile

"Tong, the one and only" he said and sat down comfortably without asking him to do it.

"Can we see him?" I asked because I'm confused now what he looks like.

"Nope, no, nah" he said and just  disappeared like a dust.

We are all stand to see such things, and now we are looking at each other in disbelief.

"So what's going to happen to my brother?" Apo asked again and shifting his sit to face Us. Because he is sitting again in his Alphas laps like we are not in the room with them.

"Your brother will turns 18 on the day of mating, the full moon" he said looking at me.

I just looked at him and waited him to continued.

"All the unmated Alphas will look and follow him because of his pheromones. Because his pheromones are very strong and attractive to every unmated Alpha..."

"But his my mate" I said in a rush and he just glared at me because I interrupted him.

"I know, but only Bui can choose his mate."

"What? But the prophecy didn't say that. They said that the Queen have only one mate...

"That's why I'm here to explain things, because the prophecy they teach you are not real. Yes your prophecy said that your Queen are coming they are right from that. But the rest, they just made up by them." he explained

"Okie fine. I'm all ears now" I said because he is right, he knows better than us about the prophecy thing. So I need to shut up my mouth.

"Your father are not just the only one that after him, like I told him because I know he will be more scared if I tell him the everyone is after him" he said worrying about my mates condition.

"Everyone?" now this is more confusing again, like who are they that after my mate.

"Yes, especially the ones who is greedy with powers. Everyone wants him because he is the Queen to rule the Werewolves kingdom. And I know that your father is already spreading the news about him. So we need to change places, so that no one will know where we're we and follow us just in case."

"Can you just kill them all, I thought you are here for him to protect him?"

"We just came here to protect him, and not kill anyone. If I have the power to do that, maybe you are one of them now." he said smirking at me.

"I didn't even do anything, why do you need to kill me" I complained.

"You didn't do anything? He almost die because of his first heat because of you. You are the first Alpha that uses his Alpha voice to him. And that triggers his pheromones, and everything. And you are the reason why the coven we made is now gone" now his blaming for that too

"Me, Why me I didn't do anything" I complained again.

"Because Bui is your mate. I tried to control you coming in and send those werewolves just to scare you away. Because you are not supposed to meet him yet. But like I told you earlier, don't be so sure that he is going to choose you to be his mate even if he is your mate." he reminds me again, and that hurts my ego.

"But why, you just said that he is my mate and now you're saying that if he will choose me? How is that even possible?"

"Because he is the Queen, he can choose whatever he likes. Because you are the only who can feel the pull being mated by him and he doesn't. And even if you try to mark him, it's no use because it will fade away. He needs to mark his mate first before they can mark him as his." I'm so disappointed of everything what I've heard just now.

I only want my mate and now I can't even say he is my mate. Because I'm only fated to him, but he is not fated to me. This is really confusing and disappointing at the same time.

The prophecy is more complicated that I thought.

"Bible you need to go home, we found a mate for you" my father mind link me.

Now I'm having another problem to solve again.

I only want my mate not some random wolf to call a mate.

"Bible I know you are listening. You have to hurry back home and mate this beautiful male omega we found for you. He will suits you and I know you will like him" my father excitedly inform me from the mind link again.

I'm not excited at all and if you want just mate him instead, I want to say that to my father, but I keep my mind shut because I don't want to become rude to him.

I don't want to here anything from my father anymore so I block him instead.

Now my mind is having dilemma, to go home with a mate waiting for me, or to stay with my mate that he doesn't even know I exist.

Then suddenly Tong just popped out like a dust again.

"Bui is missing"

Guess who is the other omega for Bible hehehe......

Thanks for reading this confusing story of mine....

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