Chapter 17

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"Bible" the voice are calling me like a lullaby.

"Bible" the voice called again, but I don't know where it coming from. But I hear hear more clearly now.

I opened my eyes and see darkness.

"Bible" She called me again but I can't see who is talking to me, because all I can see is darkness.

Then a light come out from nowhere and a shining beautiful lady appears in front of me.

"Who are you?" i asked because why am I seeing such things. She looks so unreal.

I don't have this feeling of being scared after seeing her. I feel like I'm very safe.

Did I die already? Now I'm being confused because the last thing I remember I was shot by an arrow in my chest.

But when I try to feel it, it's gone. And I don't feel any pain anymore.

"Moon Goddess" she simply answered me

I quickly kneel and bow at her. I'm not expecting such things, that I'm going to meet the moon goddess myself.

"Moon Goddess, I will be happy to serve you" I told her, still looking down.

"No need to be polite, look at me and stand up" and I do what she told me.

"All the things that Alpha characteristics are in you. Bravery, Kindness, Pure heart, it's all in you. Being kind to your Pack, not taking advantage to everyones weakness. And especially not taking advantage to the Queen, even if you know that he is your mate. That's only few characters of a True Alpha" she told and I feel like shy about it.

I'm not used of hearing those words especially when it comes from the Moon Goddess herself.

"True Alpha?" i asked, when I realized what she said. Because all I know is I'm just an ALpha, just an Alpha to be exactly.

"Yes You are a True Alpha. But it sad to say that you are already dead" she told me

Now that she confirmed it, I feel like I didn't fulfill the things that I wanted to do in my life yet.

I have so many things that I want to do but now I can't anymore.

Unmated True Alpha, if they heard my title they probably all laugh at me.

But if this is the Moon Goddess will, I will appreciate it with all my heart.

I can't disobey her.

"All the good things that you've done on earth, makes me feel so proud of you. So because of that, I am going to grant you one wish" she told me.

"Before I could say the wish that I want. Can I asked you something Moon Goddess" I hope she don't mind asking questions.

"Yes, you can"

"Does Bui, I mean the Queen. Does the Queen have choosen his mate already?" now my heart is thumping because of my question.

But her answer makes me feel bad, really badly. It's the worst feeling I ever feel in my whole life.

"Yes, he has choosen already his mate" she told me and she even looks so happy about it.

My hearts been torn apart after hearing what she said.

It hurt so badly, that my tears are falling down and I can't even stop them from falling.

I wanted to question the moon goddess why is she doing this to me. That I need to feel this kind of pain in my heart.

I've been good to everyone, but why do I still need to suffer like this.

I'm already dead, but why I can still feel the pain inside my heart.

They pain should be gone.

I want to wish to the moon goddess that I want to go back. But I don't think I don't need to be there anymore.

He has already chosen his mate.

"What is your wish Bible" She asked me

"I want to.." but I can't not say it, it feels like there is something blocking my voice to say it.

Because the pain in my heart is unbearable.

I waited for a bit to calm myself and look at her again. I'm not really embarrassed showing her my weakness. Because even if I hide to her, I know she knows me well better than myself.

"I just want them to live a happy life together. I hope they will be together till the end. And please moon Goddess, don't hurt Bui for me." I told her pleadingly.

Because I don't want anyone else hurting my mate.

Bui is still my mate and no one else.

"Instead of asking for yourselves happiness, you are asking for someone else. You are really a one of kind Bible."

I just looked down and think again what I just wish for.

Is my decision right? I asked myself confused.

So, I keep on thinking again and again. But my main concern is, I don't want to be the obstacle of Queen and his Mate. I don't want to hurt him and ruin what he already started.

They know that I'm already dead, so I think it is better not to go back there any more.

"I'm going to ask you again Bible. What is in your mind right now? You have to follow what's in your heart." she told me.

"I want him to be mine, but it's sounds like I'm being selfish if I do that. He didn't choose me, so I thought that it is better to let go of him." I said even if it hurts me.

"No beauty shines brigther than that a good heart." she said while waving her hands like doing some spell.

"And true beauty lies in purity of the heart." she said again after doing it.

"Now that I granted your wish. I can go now and I hope to see you again when the right time comes. Just continue what are you doing Bible. Life is magical, meaningful and full of surprises. You just have to be patient and wait for the right timing for everything." she said and left me.

And the darkness swallowed me once again...

I hope I can update again later....

Sorry for the typos... Just let me know if I have please.. And the grammar as well, because you know your authornim is not really good at English.

So bye and have a nice day...

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