Chapter 21

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Days, months had passed and I'm already in my 39 weeks being pregnant.

And it's like a dream that I never thought it would happen to me.

I'm happy what's going on to me right now.  Having my mate besides me and soon we are going to have a pup.

My life changed at ones but some thing is bothering me. I keep on dreaming of someone, not only someone but I can see myself on him.

I didn't tell them because I don't want them to be worried about my condition.

Even my Mate, I'm afraid he we call me weird if I tell him that I'm dreaming my own self.

It scares me a lot, that every night he comes to my dream and do something or say something else about me again.

Just like now.

"He is my mate, and I am going to claim him mine" he told me.

"He is mine now, so you can't do anything about it."

"You stole him from me. You just choose him because he is the only wolf can accept your ugly face. But when the time  comes, he is going to left you and come me" he smirk while stating those words.

It hurts me, and scared me a lot ev'ry time he talks about Bible, my mate.

"Who are you? And why are you doing this to me?" i asked him hiding the fear that's its been there for how long, I don't know.

"I'm the real you. You are just hiding yourself to everyone. Being nice, and perfect to accept by everyone. But when they see the real you, and that's me, I know everyone will hate you." he exclaimed.

"Please leave me alone. We are happy now. Why can't you accept the fact the he is my mate." I answered him

"He will leave you soon" he told and come to me and hold my neck. He is choking me and I can't even move myself.

"You are going to die" he told me smiling.

"Please don't do this" I said and my breathing becomes harder.

"Don't do this? You took my mate mate away from me. And I am going to kill you and your pup." he said smirking

"No, please leave us alone. My pup didn't do anything" I pleaded.

My tears falls down, because my pup didn't do anything to him.

I want to see my pup and held in my arms, to take care of him/her when he grows.

"Please? you think I am going to let you go like that?"  and he tighten his grip on my neck.

"We are happy now" I said and my breathing is becoming slow.

"I am not going to let that happiness continue. I want my mate, and when you die he is going to mine, completely" that's the last word I heard and my vision becomes dark.

"Wake up Bui please" I hear someone whispering through my ear. But I can't move or see anyone talking.

All I can see is darkness.

"Bui, please you can't do this to me." the voice said again and I can hear from the voice that they are scared.

I look around and try move myself but still, I'm like a corspe now, and I can feel my body becomes more colder.

"Bui, please wake up" the voice shouted at me again.

The voice keep on begging me to wake up.

"No, please don't do this to me. You promise me that you are not going to leave me."

"Bui, wake up" all I can hear are their voices calling.

But I don't know why my body refuses to move.

Then slowly my body is falling in to a dark hole.

I look at my arms and I can see that they are fading away.

I wanted to cry and shout at the same time.

Is this even real? Am I going to leave them like that? How about my mate? And my pup, I didn't even see him.

Am I going to let this happen to me?

I've been trying to move myself but I don't have energy anymore.

The hole that's under me is taking me away.

I saw the light coming through but it already fading away. My vision is not clear anymore and the voices. I can't hear them anymore.

I can feel my pup moves on my belly.

I smiled because this is the first that I can feel him/her inside me.

"Baby, I love so much" and that's the last word I said after the black hole take me away.

I don't know what really happen to me.

When I wake up, I'm catching my breath and I can hear my mates crying beside me.

Then he hugs me so tightly.

Then after a few minutes he held my face and kiss me everywhere.

"Thank you you for coming back, I thought I am going to lose you" he said sobbing on my neck.

"What happen?" i asked him because I can't remember anything.

"Don't do that again." he said still sobbing and tighten his hug once again.

"Why are you even crying?" i ask him again because I'm still confused what is going on.

"You've been dead for three days" he told me and cried again looking at me in the eyes.

I can see fear and sadness in them.

"Are you kidding me?" i ask him in disbelief.

"Bui please, don't do that again. I can't live without you." he said again pleading.

"I'm not going anywhere" I told him and my tummy started hurting like hell.

I clutch my stomach because I can't bare the pain.

"Bui? Please don't scare me again" he told me and I can see in his face that he more worried now.

"It hurts" I said and punch him in the arm.

"Where hurts?" he said and tried to check me everywhere.

I can feel something wet under me.

"Bib, our pup" I shout out

Sorry for the very late update....

Thanks for waiting 😘

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