Chapter 6

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After saying no, he tried to run away but I caught him first from his waist.

"Tie him up Bible" Apo told me but I didn't do it. Why do i need to tie him up.

"Let me go" he said wriggling in my arms like a kid.

I tighten my grip just a little bit because I don't want to squeeze him.

Because of the closeness of our body, I almost lost my control of myself after smelling his scent.

"Hide your canines Bible and control yourself." Mile scolding me from the mind link.

I closed myself and try to control myself.

"Bible just tie him up, we need to leave the place immediately" Mike talk to me again.

"No I can't do that" I answered, who wants to tie your own mate like a captive.

"Okie, leave the place and I will do it" he said and he looked at Apo. I know they're talking in their mind link.

"Change in your wolf form so we can put him on your back after" he said again and grabbed Bui from my hands.

I went outside to and remove my clothes  to change into my wolf form.

I can hear screaming inside the hut then after a while it suddenly stopped.

I don't know what did they to him to stop him from screaming and fighting.

My blood boil after seeing my cousin Mile carrying my mate in his shoulder unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" i asked in our mind link.

"No need to know" he said and put Bui on my back and I just snarled at him because of that.

"Easy, we didn't kill him" he said and he fixed him on my back.

Then my beta Nodt came with Perth the beta of cousins. We told them to checked around the area.

"We didn't find anything Alpha" he said  and we walked all together. We are behind them because I walking slowly because I have my mate on my back. I don't want him to fall.

"How about the place we saw before?" I asked confused.

"No, Perth said there is no such a place like what we see before" like me I know he is also confused what is going on.

"And the thing is, we lost for three days here, but our Pack and their Pack are so close to each other."

"Yeah I know that, we need to hurry back so we can asked the other guy what really happen. This is also confusing me" I tell him the truth

After a long walked we finally arrived at our destination but before that we wait for him to wake up first. But Mile, Apo and our Beta already went inside to their house.

Me leaning on the tree and my mate are lying down next to me.

"Ouch, it hurts" I heard my mate said holding his head and trying to sat down.

"Are okey?" I asked him and he covered his face with the shawl in him.

"Where are we?"he whispered, I can feel his fear in his voice.

"Where are at my cousin pack" I answered him.

"Where is my friend? You said he is here" he asked again and this time he fixed his shawl in his face. Now I can see his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, he is inside resting" because when he came to us this morning he looks like he is going to faint because of exhaustion.

He also said that we need to take him with us no matter, because someone might come and get him.

I don't know why Apo and that guy saying that my mate is in danger. Both of them are confusing me because of that.

"You want to go inside now?" I asked him because we are still inside the forest.

"Do I really need to go?" he asked and looked down playing with hand.

"I guess so" I said because I can't just leave him here.

"But what if they saw me?" now his voice is shaky like he wants to cry in a minute.

"No one will try to harm you here, they are all nice"

"Can you just get my friend here" he asked and now he is sniffing.

"I can't leave you like that here, just trust me no one will touch you here. And besides you don't need to show them your face, we're just gonna walked"

"Yeah I don't need to show them because I'm ugly" he whispered and now he is sobbing.

It hurts me hearing him crying like that. If only I could do something to comfort him.

"Hey don't cry" I said in soft voice.

"I want to go back to the Coven, I don't want to stay here. Please take me back there" he said between his sob and now my heart hurts even more.

What did they do to him? Why does he need to suffer like this?

I pulled him into a hug without even thinking. I thought he will pushed me away but he snuggled into me more.

Now I can feel his body shaking because of fear or more than that.

"Do you know what happened to you?" i tried asking him, incase he will tell me.

"I don't know. All I know is I'm the ugliest human alive. And my parents doesn't want me because of that. They hated me, everyone hated me. All of you hated me because I'm a monster" he said again whimpering in my arms.

"Don't say..." I want to say something but got interrupted when he pushed me away

"Don't touch me I'm a disgusting" he said and hug himself.

"Can you please enough saying those words" now I'm getting mad because he keeps on saying those words and I hated it.

"Because it is true"

"No it's not. Maybe your mate is waiting for you somewhere to meet you and to be with you"

Then he cried again but louder this time.

Did I say something that hurt him? I asked myself confused.

"You think he will accept me if they saw me like this?" he said hurt.

"Why not?" I asked him, I wanted to tell him thatbI'm his mate, but why he can't feel something pull towards me. Like the feelings I have him right now.

"I don't want to meet him anymore. I know he will be disappointed by my looks. So please take me back to the Coven now." he said in the most painful way.

Sorry late update....

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