Chapter 23

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"I love you too" he answered, that's the sweetest thing that I ever heard in my entire whole existence in this world.

He even cried after saying those words to me.

I thought I'm not going to be able to say those words to him.

The three day that he didn't wake up and said he's gone, it's breaks me a lot. Like my whole world crashed.

The only thing that I'm holding unto him that day is our baby.

Because he keeps on moving inside him.

Earlier, I thought I'm gonna lose him for real.

I don't know what's gonna happen to us if he really die.

"My grandson keeps on crying for moon goddess sake. What are you two doing?" my angry father came barging in our room and scolded us.

"The same thing happened repeated again" I mind link my father this time. Because I don't want to my mate to hear it.

"Oh" my father said and now his looking pity to him.

"It's okey dad, he's okey now" I told him.

"So have you decided the name of my grandson now?" he asked with excitement and I aso want Bui to name him.

"I want to name him Bubbles" he said smiling and trying to make our son stop crying.

Since Bui held him, he's not bawling anymore.

I think it's a baby's instinct that his Papa was holding him.

"I didn't know that you like mixing up names" my father said smiling.

But I didn't get what he meant.

"What mixing names dad" I asked confused.

Then I saw my Mate and my father smiling like they are talking in their mindlink.

"Okie give me Bubbles now, you are making him starve." my father said and get our son from Bui.

This time I hug Bui side again.

"Can you please tell me too" i asked Bui this time, cause I wanted to know where did he get that name too.

"Don't tell him" my father told him smiling.

After my father and Bubbles left, I tried to ask him again.

"BU comes from my name Build, and the BLE I took from your name Bible. I just add more B in the middle because our name started with B. Then I took the first letter of your last name S." he explained to me.

"I'm really lucky to have you" I told him very proudly.

I didn't even think you can mix up names, just to make another name.

"Did you like the name I gave him?" he asked me with a worried face.

"Bui, I love it because you made it."

Now he looks so proud of himself and even hug me.

"I love you" he said to my ear.

"I love you too" we are about to kiss but my father came back again.

"You forgot to give me his bottle" he said grinning.

Then I got up to prepare his milk right away.

"Bible, let Bui healed first before you do such thing again. I can wait for another grandson you know" my father did even fazed after saying those words.

When I turn to look at Bui, he looks like a ripe tomato.

"Dad, can you please don't say those words" I scolded my father.

"Why, what's wrong? The more you love each other, the more grandsons I can get"

My father said casually.

"Dad get out now, we don't want to hear anything from you" I even pushed him to the door before he could say anything else again.

It's good that he's not holding Bubbles this time. Or else I cannot pushed him like that.

"Bible control yourself, Bui still hurt from giving birth" he shouted.

He really likes embarrassing me.

I went back to Bui and hug him again.

"I only want a kiss"

"Okey" he said I position myself to kiss him again.

"Don't get to excited about the kiss" my father mindlink me interrupting our moment again.

"Dad, I'm gonna block you again" I answered irritated in our mindlink

"Don't blocked me or I will go barging into your room again" now he's threatening me.

"Okey fine" by the time my father and finished talking in our mindlink, Bui already positioned himself to rest again.

"Sorry about that, Dad is annoying sometimes." I said sulking, I didn't get my kiss again.

"It's okey came here" he said and hold me from my face and pulled me.

It's just a quick but a sweet kiss.

"You want to rest again?" i asked him

"No, let's stay like this" he said and snuggle his from from my chest.

So I hug him to his waist caressing them from time to time.

"I miss you so much" he murmured to my chest.

"I miss you too so much" I said and kiss his head.

"I'm sorry again for worrying you this fast few day"

"You are here now, so I'm okey now"

"Bib, what if I become bad. What are you gonna do?" now he's confusing me about his question.

What does he mean by that.

"What do you mean become bad?"

"I dreamed about my bad self, and he wants to take you away from me" he admitted.

"I know you're not going to let that happen right."

"No, you are mate now, and I am your mate right?" he said determined but a little worried.

"Yes, you are my Mate. If you dream about him again. Just tell him that I love so so much. And our son too" I said "And I know, you are not going to become bad one day . Because I know there's a beauty within you that you cannot change. You are born like that Bui"

"Thank you so much for believing in me."

"I'm always right here for you and Bubbles."

Sorry for the very late update.... I'm busy with my other BibleBuild Ff hahaha.

Now you know what the word Bubbles came from hahaha...

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