Chapter 18

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I started walking in front of the Alphas to choose one of them to be my mate.

But I have already in mind, but I don't remember him any more.

Even his face, I can't even recall what he looks like.

"Bui" someone called me but I didn't who.

I keep on walking more then he calls my name again.

"Build" that voice, that's him I said and looked for that voice again.

Then suddenly an old Alpha came claiming me as his son and Mate.

I closed my eyes because I don't want to burst out the anger inside me yet.

But even if I only see him now, I can feel through my veins the hatred that I felt for him.

From what my brother told me and to all the werewolves his been treating like a slave.

I know all of them now.

"If you are not going to choose me as your mate, you are going to die." my father told me trying to treathen me.

He thinks that he can scare me now.

I closed my eyes again, the anger inside me is getting more intense by the time I'm looking at him.

"Why do I need to choose someone like you?" i told him politely, but inside me I wanted to ripped his head off the minute I saw him.

"Because I say so" my told me again

"Thank you for bringing life to me. But I'm not going to choose you." I said smiling mischievously

"Then, you are going to die" I heard my father told me again.

I know he has a knife in his hand now and anytime he he going to stab me.

When my father was about to stab me, a wolf came and launched at him.

But in the span of a second he was shot by an arrow and fall on the ground.

I walk over to the wolf that shifted in to his human form to help him.

"My mate, My Queen" he said, and after hearing his voice all the memories of the guy who I wanted to be my mate comes rushing to my mind again.

All the memories that we shared together, our first meeting when I helped him when he is injured, the kiss we shared from the rooftop until the day I passed out.

They are coming back at once.

I even hear him saying that I am his mate in one of them.

"It's you" i said but it's to late, I can't feel his heart beat any more.

"No, you can't not die just like this" I told him even if he can't hear me anymore.

I left his body and walked to my father that are now with the rogue beside him, holding a bow and arrow in his hand.

My full body is aching, and I can feel my bones snapping one by one .

It hurts but I don't mind the pain now, because the pain inside my heart is more painful and unbearable.

He killed My Alpha, and they are going to pay for it.

Because of the anger I felt inside me, I didn't know that I already shifted into my wolf form.

I'm very eager to see my wolf form, I waited for this day but now it's different.

My father also shifted into his wolf form and the rogue beside him.

I launched to the rogue first and in one snapped of canines I killed him just like that.

"Now it's your turn" I mind link my father.

I didn't know I can do that now. Maybe this is what the Moon Goddess are talking about.

She gave me all the knowledge of being a werewolf. But it still confusing me how I did those things myself.

I need to learn them how to use them with my Mate.

Now that I remember that they killed him now, my I'm on the verge of killing all of them.

"You can't kill me" my father answered me.

"That's what you think" I told him, I want to kill him now but I want him to feel the pain first.

I run to him biting and snapping his front leg.

"That's for my brother" I told him and he still trying to attack me.

I jump unto him again biting and snapping his other front leg.

"That's for all the omega you treated like a slave, and to all the werewolves you that you've killed" and attacked him again biting and snapping his two back legs.

"That's for my brother and my father that you killed" I told him again.

Now I can taste his blood in my mouth and I wanted to throw up, because of that.

Now he can't move any more and all I can hear from him is whimpering.

I walked closer to him and snarled.

"This is for my mate that you killed" I said one last time before biting and snapping his neck.

I didn't stop biting them until I didn't see he his head being attach to his body.

Then I looked around me that are now in a big chaos.

I give them a very long howling to warned them to stop.

And all them stop immediately after hearing me.

I walked back to the stage still in my wolf form looking for Us and Tong, but I didn't see him there anymore.

I shifted back to my human form.

Some of them shifted back and some of them they choose to run away.

I saw Bible's father and Nodt come rushing to my Mates body.

"Bring him here" I told them and they didn't even think twice.

I feel so devastated after putting and seeing his lifeless body in front of me.

"I've already chosen my mate." I told them and no one dares to say anything.

I kneel in front of him and held him in my arms.

Then my tears started to fall.

"I know you can't hear me anymore. But the things that I told told you before, is true. That I'm going to choose you as my mate" I stated and my tears didn't stop to fall.

"I, the Queen of Werewolves have chosen you to be my Mate." and I bite his scent gland marking him as my Mate.

Thanks for the 10k read...

The end....


Just kidding....

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