Chapter 14

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After leaving Build in the kitchen, I went to the balcony to relax my mind.

What I'm feeling right doesn't seems right. I will admit that I'm happy being with him, but im also hurt, to the fact that I can't even say that I'm his mate.

I sat down on the rocking and closed my eyes and relax my body and mind.

I didn't know how many minutes had past when I opened my eyes. I got up and go check on Build, but something caught my attention from the lake.

I feel so agitated after seeing the human standing their.

He seems like he is waiting for someone.

I quickly jump down, and walk towards the trespasser.

I prepare myself, just in case he will do something that I didn't like and will kill him immediately.

"Who are you?" i asked in my Alpha voice.

I can't even smell him. I don't know if he is a human or he is a werewolf like me.

Then when he turn around he smiled at me.

Imagine he is more feminine in this picture

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Imagine he is more feminine in this picture

He looks like omega to me.

"I'm your mate" he told me, and try to touch me.

I moved backwards because how come he is my mate if I don't smell anything from him.

"You are not my mate?" i growled at him.

Then his smile fades away and just stared at me. Now he looks so sad, and I can see his eyes are glistening.

"Who are you and why are you here?" i asked him again.

"I'm your mate, why don't you believe me?" he said now crying.

"You are not my mate, and don't try to fool me. My mate is inside that house" I said sternly.

I know he looks beautiful but no, I don't feel anything towards him like I do to Build.

"But I'm really your mate, why can't you feel it" he said sniffling.

"If you don't go now, I'm not going to hesitate to kill you" I warned him.

"Why are you like this? I'm more beautiful than that guy inside there. And I'm your mate. Why don't you believe me?" he said again and now his eyes turns gold.

"Don't say anything like that to him" I growled again and my canines are now showing up.

He dare try to insult my mate again and I will really kill him.

I even showed my sharp claws ready to attack him.

"Just because he is the Queen that's why you're choosing him? And how about me?"

"How did you know that he is the Queen?" he's really trying to push me to my limit.

Who is he and how did he know that Build is the Queen.

"You are my mate" he whispered, then it's like a magic, I dropped on the ground like I'm surrendering myself to him.

What is happening? I asked myself and try to move around but I can't.

He came to me and showed me his canines.

"Don't try to mark" I shouted at him.

"But I wanted too, because you are my mate." then he grabbed me by the shoulder, and sniff my scent gland.

"You smell so nice my Alpha" he said in alluring voice.

"Don't, I'm going to kill you" I growled again.

I waited for my mate to do that to me, and not some random werewolf.

Then he started licking my scent gland.

Then I can feel his canines biting my skin marking me his.

"No....." I screamed on top of my lungs. Because I don't like what he did to me.

This is not what I want. I want my real mate. I want my mate to mark me not him. I said and dropped on the ground.

"Bible" he called me, but I didn't answer and just stay still.

"Bible" he called again, louder this time.

"BIBLE" then he grabbed back my shoulder and shake me.

"My moon goddess what is happening to him? Wake up" the shaking didn't stopped at some point.

"Bible please, I'm getting nervous" said the voice.

"You are not my mate, why did you mark me?" i asked a bit disappointed to myself because I let him do whatever he wants to me.

"What are you talking about? Can you please get up you said I will call you when I'm done eating" the voice said again.

"You just mark me" i said again.

"Mark you? Who mark you?" said the voice angrily this time.

"Bible, I just came from the kitchen and see you sleeping here in the rocking chair. And you told me that no one can comes here. So who is that guy who mark you?" now Build mad voice registered from my head.

Then I can feel his hands checking my shoulder.

"I think you are just dreaming, I don't see any marks at you"

After that I opened my eyes and see Build standing in front of me.

I also checked my shoulder if I can feel anything but nothing.

"No mark" I said in disbelief

What is that dream, it felt so real.

I got up pulled Build into a hug, a really tight hug. I don't care if he gets mad at me later, I just want to feel him.

I put my nose in his scent gland to calm myself.

Because that dream makes me feel terrible, and I don't even like it.

"Are you okey?" he asked

"I had a bad dream, they mark me and I don't like"

"Who mark you?" he asked again

"He said he is mate, but he is not my mate. It felt so real"

"It's just a dream" he said trying to comfort me and even carres my back

Then my tears came out just like that. I'm happy to know that dream is not real.

"I only want my mate" I sniffle into his shoulder.

"May I know who is your mate?" he asked

I don't know If this is the right time to tell him.

"It's okie, if you don't want to tell me"

"You are my mate"

Good night.... Confusing chapter.....

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