Chapter 13

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Screaming is the only thing I know by the time I came back in Bible's room when i saw Barcode with some guy biting him from his shoulder.

I thought they are going to kill him, but no. Bible explained to me that is so called marking.

It took me by surprise, cause I didn't know that's how you do when you mark your mate.

The Aplha guy name Jeff just mark Barcode and become territorial after claiming him,his.

Bible also explained to me he is like that because Barcode scent mix up with his because he slept in his room for a few days.

Now we need to go to his safe haven, that's what he called it to his place, when his ruts come. Because he said that I'm not safe there for the meantime. Even his father told me to go too.

Because they don't want me, smelling Alpha's and Omega's pheromones maybe it triggers my heat. And they don't want that to happen because I don't have a mate yet.

They said that only your Mate can help an Omega like me in heat.

That's why when my first heat comes, it's feels so terrible. I feel like dying that time.

Now that I witness the marking thing, i have an idea do to it when I found my mate.

Now I'm feeling excited and greedy at the same. Like I want my mate now. I want to feel my mates embrace, and how he kisses me. And maybe doing what mate does at night.

Then I feel Bible stopped. Yes I'm riding on his back going to his place. He showed me his wolf form and I kind of like it, I mean I love it.

Even his wolf form is handsome and hot.

What am I thinking? I asked myself in disbelief.

Now I realized that I'm hugging his back too.

I sat back down and pretend nothing happened, that I didn't hug him a while ago.

Then bible continued walking again until we reached our destination.

After entering the house he showed me my room to stay for a week, and told me to relax first because he needs to go find some food for us

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After entering the house he showed me my room to stay for a week, and told me to relax first because he needs to go find some food for us.

The house feels so nice and cozy. Even the outside too.

Us didn't come to us, for some reason.

After Bible left me, I removed my scarf that covers my face. But I need to put  them back again later, because i don't want him being uncomfortable with my ugly face.

I went to bed after and fall asleep.

By the time I wake up, I smell like something delicious.

I hurriedly put the covered in my face and run towards the smell.

Then I saw Bible preparing the dishes on the table.

"Oh you're here, I went to your room but you are in deep sleep. So I didn't wake you up." he told me

"Next time don't come to my room, just make some loud noise to wake me up, or call my name" I said shyly, why I'm lossing my confidence now.

He saw me already before but, why is becoming a big deal to me now.

"Okie, if that's the Queen order, I will obey." he said even bowing at me.

"Hey, can you drop the Queen thing. Just treat me like a normal werewolf" I told him  sulking then sat on the table and dig in the food in front of me.

"You can remove the cover from your face you know. It's easier for you to eat." then he sat down opposite next to me.

"Then go outside then, I don't want your appetite get ruin because of my face"

"It's fine I ate already"

"Still, go outside"

"Nope, just remove it" he said and stand up, come to me and remove the scarf that covers my face.

I feel like I'm the who lose appetite now, because of why he did.

"I'm sorry if I do that, I only want you to eat comfortably" he said and give me back my scarf.

I didn't answer him and just look down at the table.

"Okey I'm going outside, if you are not comfortable with me" he said and get up.

I know he is just being nice to me and all. But why am I like this now. I don't want him to see my face.

"Just stay" I whispered, I hope he heard me

"Are you sure?" he asked me too.

"I think so, I'm just, know.. I mean.." what is this, why am I stuttering.

"You are shy about your face, am I right?"


Then he sat back again where he sat awhile ago.

"Don't mind me, just pretend that I'm Us" he told me trying lightened the mood.

He didn't used his Alpha voice, but I followed what he told me like a submissive omega.

"Don't stare at me, while I'm eating" I told him still staying at my position, head down low.

"Okie I'm just gonna look at this way" he said and now his back is facing me.

I smiled at what he did.

How not to fall for this guy, my mind said still smiling.

Then I started digging the food again.

After a few minutes, I remember something that I wanted to ask him earlier that I forgot.

"Do you have any name of your wolf?"

"Yup" he said, and I can sense that he is smiling when I asked about his wolf form.

"What is his name?" i ask again a bit excited though.


"What a cute name"

"You think so?"

"Who gave his name?"

"My mate, he just called me Bib before, but I think that name suits my wolf." he said very happy.

Then my smile fades away when he mentions his mate. Now I'm sulking again, and my appetite is gone just like that.

"You know who is your mate?"


"Where is your mate then, you're supposed to be with your mate, and not with me" I exclaimed

"He doesn't know that he is mate" he said, and his voice now is very sad.

"How is that possible?"

"It is possible"

"But why you didn't tell your mate then, that he is your mate?"

"Because it's complicated, I don't want to give him more problems. Maybe one day I can tell him, if he will chooses me. If not, I will just keep it as a secret"

"But what If he knows that he is also your mate?" i asked unasure

"That's impossible, because even I'm close to him. He can't feel anything towards me. The only thing I can do now, is to be with him, and take care of him." I can really feel that he is hurt.

"But I'm..."

"Let's not talk about him anymore. Just call me when you're done." he said and leave me by myself.

Sorry for not updating....

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