Chapter 9

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I woke up like a have so much energy in my body. I look around and no one is around me. The bed is comfy and the smells are nice too.

Then I heard them outside like someone is fighting.

"He shouldn't joke around like that, tell him to come out and I'm going to kill him" my brother said like a madman.

"I'm sorry Luna, maybe he's just bored that why he did that." I can hear Us explain.

"Bored? we are having a panic attack here because of him. Not tell him to come out from my brothers face and I will show him who is bored now" he shouted again.

"Luna, please he will wake up. Let him rest for now, I will talk to him tomorrow when Bui wakes up."

I got up from the bed and try to look around. Then I saw a window and opened it and see the night sky, they are beautiful.

Now I looked around if I can see anything to climb on the rooftop. It's good that the window is close to a tree.

I hop on to the branches to branches till I reach the top. I know how to climb because that is my playground before when we are at the forest.

I lied down on the rasty roof and look at the stars my from sky. They are beautiful and mesmerizing.

I almost forgot the problem that I carried on my shoulder. If only I can be one of the star from the sky. Shining without worrying things.

I closed my eyes and imagine things. Me my mate, living in a simple life.

I opened my eyes again when I heard the trees moving. Like someone is climbing up from there.

I move further from the darkness so they will not see me.

"No need to hide, I know your here" I can hear Bible said and now I can see his silhouette coming closer to me.

How did he know that I'm here? I asked myself.

I didn't move on my spot and stayed there. He sat down next to me and lied down, his arms back to his head.

"Why are you here? They are thinking that you are missing for real" he said.

"I just want to be by myself, I feel like suffocating inside." I lied

"Is it because of what they told you?" he asked again and I saw his head move from where I was sitting.

I know he is looking at me, even if he can't see me from the dark.

"I only want to live a simple life, and now I'm having a complicated one" I honestly said.

I'm not worried at all when I'm with him. And it feel so nice talking to him like this.

"I know, if you need help. I'm just right behind you" he said and i can feel his sincerity to his word.

"Your mate are so lucky" I said, and I feel jealous about it.

"You think so?" he asked and sat down moving closer to me.

"Yeah, because you are nice I think" I said unsure to my answer.

"I'm the luckiest one, if my mate will choose me to be his" he said, and there is bit of sadness in his tone.

"Why, he does not like you. I thought mates like each other" I don't where that thought came from.

I don't anything about mate yet, and just like that my mind keeps on saying words that is new to me.

"I thought you don't know anything about werewolves?"

"I don't know too. They are just popping out in my mind. Not only that, by the way what is pup" I asked confused because I'm imagining saying that earlier.

"You are adorable you know" he said then laughed a bit.

"Why are you laughing at me? Is pup a funny words?" i asked sulking.

"No, Pups, they are kids like a baby, that comes from omega like you. How to explain this.. Example You and me are mate right. They are the fruit of our love. Just like that." he said and he is so happy about it. I can feel it from his voice.

"We are going to make them, but how?" i asked again, because I don't really know about what mates are doing. And I'm interested to know how they do it. I hope he can teach me.

"I'm not telling you, oh my moon goddess. Please change your question" he said and looking far away, like avoiding the question I asked.

"Is it bad?" i asked because why is he not telling me.

"No it's good, no I mean yeah good and bad. Let's just change this topic okey"

"But I want to learn them" I insisted.

"No, you can't learn just like that. You have to do it with your mate" he said again.

"That's my problem, I don't even know who is my mate. And I want to meet him. But after Us telling who am I maybe I don't want to find him anymore." I said being emotional again.

"But why, you have to find him, so you can do whatever you want to do with him. It's so nice to have a mate" he said  trying to comfort me with his word again.

"Knowing that I'm the queen. I don't want him to suffer because of me. I know if I find him, they are going after him too. And I don't want that to happen. I think it is better not to meet him any more" I said and now my tears are ready to fall in any minute.

"Mate can help each others problems. So if you find him, better not to lose him. Because we have only one mate in our life. If you didn't take that chances, you will end up being alone by yourself forever."

"If only I could choose my mate. I'm going to.." I said and stop because I know this is not the right word to say especially to him.

I know he has also mate waiting for him.

"You are going to what?" he asked and I can sense his eagerness what I wanted to say.

"I'm going to choose you" I said without stuttering.

Okie you are going to meet the other beautiful omega next chap....

Thanks for reading....

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