Chapter 5

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Dying, that's what I felt when my 1st heat comes. I really thought I'm gonna die from pain this last few days.

Us told me that maybe after my heat, I'm going to transform and meet my wolf form too. Because I'm nearly 18 so my heat comes first as a sign. And about my mate, he didn't tell me exactly what to feel about them when I saw them. Because he doesn't really know about werewolf because he's a witch.

After recovering from my heat for more than a week, now I can freely room around the area again.

But I was shocked after seeing my surroundings. It's not a coven anymore it's a small hut from the forest, and even the forest seems different from before.

I entered once more to the door I came out and my eyes widen when I see the coven inside.

Am I hallucinating? What just happened? Am I in different world now? I ask myself.

I scratched my eyes many times, but the thing I can see still the same.

Since this morning I didn't see Us. And I've been looking for him since I wake up and waiting for him to come back. But he didn't.

Where did he even go without telling me. And now I'm feeling anxious, because of what's happening.

I went back to the coven for my safety because I don't know what kind of place is in the other side. I'm scared because the looks of the place is new to me. And I don't like the feeling when I step in there as well.

I slept again just incase when I wake up, it goes back to normal everything.

"Build wake up!" someone's try to wake me up and I open my eyes quickly to see who it's is. Because his voice is new to me and I never heard it before.

"Who are you?" I asked and pushed myself in corner terrified.

I shouldn't be terrified because he looks so cute and handsome as well. But meeting new people terrifies me a lot. Because I don't know what they gonna to me.

"I'm Apo, don't you remember me?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

I shake my head, because I don't know anyone except Us.

"This is crazy" he said and held his temple with both hand. He looks frustrated now.

"I think so too, because you are still young back then." he said and sat down level to me.

"What do you want?" i asked and grabbed the clothes to hide my face.

"You have to come with us, no matter what. You are in danger, and here is not safe anymore" he said but I don't believe him with his lie.

I'm not going to trust anyone except Us.

"No I'm staying here" I sternly said.

"Look around you Build" he said and my eyes went wide again.

"Where am I?" I said and touch the wall and it's not a hard clay anymore like the coven. The inside is like a normal hut like wood and planks stick together.

"That's what I wanted to tell you. The place you are in before is not real, because the spell they used are gone. Someone broke it." he explained but I'm not still convinced to what is he talking about.

"You are just making up stories so I will believe you and go with you. No I'm not coming." I said and hug myself.

Us comeback now please. I'm just dreaming right? Now I'm talking to myself because of confusion.

"Build, you are coming to us no matter what. Don't be so stubborn" he said and standing up still looking at me disappointed.

"I don't know who are, just leave me alone" I said trying to negotiate.

"My gosh, don't try to push me to my limit Build. Just listen to me okey"

"No, just go away. I don't want anyone here" I said starting to get angry.

He closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling deep before looking at me again deadpan.

He waited for a minute before he started talking to me again.

"Don't try my patience, I'm being nice to you now. So please listen and come with us" he said staring and pleading me again.

"I'm being nice also here telling you, that I'm not going with you, before my friend witch come and ask him turn you into a frog." I  copied him.

I hope my tricks would work, I said to myself.

"I'm counting now, if you don't get up I'm going to tie you upside down and carry all the way to the pack"

"You're to skinny to carry me" I said not minding what my mouth wants to say.

"One" he said a bit louder and kind of annoyed to me.

"Two" I said more louder than him, annoying him purposely. I told him already that I'm not going but why does he need to force me. What's the reason?

"Three" he said griting his teeth and now his even more annoyed.


"ALPH MILE" he shouted on top of his lungs.

And a buff guy came inside, and his eyes are red. I move my face because I don't want to see him especially his eyes. They are more scarier.

Mile wants to grab me but another guy came in and grab him, the guy from last time in the coven.

The Apo guy hold Mile and try to comfort him. And his eyes are turning back to normal now.

I don't know what comes to me when I saw the guy before.

I get up and stand behind him for no reason. I'm just following my body what he wants me to do.

I want to touch him, but I'm scared. I'm just sniffing him from behind without noticing, because his scent gives me comfort. Like I want to be next to him all the time.

I hide my face again when he looks at me. Because I'm ashamed of my face.

"You have to come with us." he said talking to me nicely. His voice is like a lullaby to me. I want to hear more of his voice, i said to myself.

"How about my friend?" I whispered being shy, and I can feel my face heat up. My heart is also beating faster and faster by the time I'm next to him.

"Don't worry, he is waiting for you at the pack" he said and when I glance at him he is smiling.

I want to melt with his smile. But when I see the Apo guys face again, my mood change instantly.

"Why you didn't tell me before that he is with you?" I snapped not minding that he is with his alpha.

"Because, I want you to come with me without mentioning his name"

"I hate you" I said glaring at him.

"My gosh Build, why do you hate me so much?" he asked hugging his Alpha.

"I don't know" I said because I really don't know the reason.

"So you are coming with us now" the guy from before asked again.

"No" I answered....

Sorry late update...

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