Chapter 7

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The nice guy name Bible take me inside the house. At first i really want to go back to the Coven I used to live. But he told me, that Coven didn't existed anymore.

He didn't really force to me go with him. He talked me in the kindness and sweet way. I don't know why he is not scared of me,he also hug me and I feel so secured in his arms.

If all the werewolf are nice like him, maybe I don't need to hide in the coven or live inside the forest anymore.

Why they can't just accept me for who I am, and not laugh at me.

After entering the house he took me to one room that everyone is waiting for us.

I hide behind him again because of the looks they are giving me. I'm not comfortable at all.

"Bui come seat here" said the Apo guy.

"Luna Apo is asking you to go seat next to him. You have to follow him" Bible said to me.

"What's Luna?" i asked confused.

"You don't know anything about werewolf?" said the guy next to Luna Apo.

I shake my head because I don't know anything. I only know about werewolf, they can shift to human and wolf that's  all, and I'm one of them that's all. And mate, I almost forgot and the rest I don't know anymore.

"Bring Us here" said the Guy next to Luna. And the one we helped before left us with the other guy.

They just nod their head after passing by next to us.

After they left, no one dare to say anything until my friend comes.

"Bui, thank the moon goddess that they did not find you." he said and hug me.

"Why is everyone is saying that someone is going to take me away. Who are they? Us if you know something please tell me?" I asked him with a teary eye.

"Bui, Im sorry. I don't want to lie to you in the first place." he said and hold my hands firmly.

"So you know something about me?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes, Bui I'm sorry"

I didn't say anything and waited for him to start talking again.

"Can we sit, cause I don't have energy anymore" he said and we sat down on the wooden long chair.

"Bui, you remember that I told you that I don't have my magic anymore right?" he started " the truth is I have them to protect us." he continued.

"Why do you need to protect me? And who are they?" i asked again and I'm  getting more confused now.

"Bui, you are not just an omega. Not even rare but rariest of them all. You're the moon goddess choosen one, to be the queen of all werewolves" he said and look at them all.

"So the elders prophecy is true?" Bible asked staring at me.

"What choosen one are you talking about?" now my head is hurting because I don't even understand what are they saying.

"Bui, you are going to rule the werewolves kingdom, because you are their queen."

"But who wants to take me if I'm the queen? And who wants me to become a queen if I'm like this."

"Your alpha father, wants you"

"But why, he is my father why do i need hide from him?"

"After knowing that you are going to be the queen. Your father change. Now he wants you to become his mate and bear a child with you. Your father is not good Bui, he is an evil werewolf. He also...."

"He also what, tell me everything now" I said in a very serious tone.

"He also killed our omega father" I heard Luna Apo said.

"What? Please tell me this is not real. Please I begging you" I said and clutch Us arms.

"I'm sorry Bui, but all we can do now is hide or run away so your father won't find you."

"Can we just go back to the Coven. I want to stay there forever. I don't want here anymore" I said and and cry out the pain inside me.

"That Coven never existed Bui, Tong and I made that for us to hide."

"You said you have your magic with you right, why don't you use them." I suggested

"The truth is Tong is with you, protecting you physically" then he touches my faces.

"What do you mean?" my head wants to explode now, because it's not easy to comprehend all things he is saying now.

"You are not cursed like what I told you before, because of your appearance. When you turn to your right age to become the queen. You are going to change into the real you. Cause Tong and I will go back to where were we belong. We don't belong in your world Bui"

"But you said you are going to help me no matter what happens"

"But there is someone going to help you now" he said smiling.

"No you have to do what you promised me" I insisted

"Bui, even if I wanted to stay, the moon goddess will decide for me and Tong. We are just following what the moon goddess"

"But why"

"That's how it is Bui"

"Can I meet moon goddess? I just want to asked something." I said determine

"That you want to back out from being the queen right?" he guessed it right what I am thinking.

"Just accept what's destined to you Bui. I know you are going to be a good Queen. Luna Apo is here with you to teach you."

"I don't like him" I whispered because that is true.

"Don't hate him Bui, because he is brother"

"What?" I said shocked, really shocked.

"Yes Bui, I'm your brother, you don't remember me because you are still young back then. Our father(omega) told me everything about you before they killed him. That's why I run away, because started abusing me." he said

After hearing him my visions started spinning and my head is aching now of all this revelation of myself.

I wanted to run and hug him but when I try to stand up.

My visions turns black and past out.

So this is just my pure imagination okie, so don't take them seriously.

Have a great day....

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