Chapter 22

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"Where am I?" the first thing I ask to the guy who was looking at me smiling but his eyes is full of regret.

He didn't answer me and just stare at me with pity.

"Where is my son and my mate?" i asked him again.

Then that's the time I'm started panicking when I didn't smell my mate and my new born.

I know I gave birth already, and I saw my mate before that.

But waking up to a new place makes me nervous.

I don't know where I am and I can't even smell anyone of them.

I can't even smell any pheromones even the guy who was looking at me, but I can sense that he is a werewolf and there are many werewolves around me too.

Feeling agitated I get up from the bed and went outside.

I can't even feel any pain from my body after giving birth.

I walk around more but I keep on going back to where I came from.

"What is happening?" i asked myself confused. I looked around again, but this time I saw many people coming out from nowhere.

Same like the guy I saw, they are all smiling. But their smile is out of this world.

But when you look in to their eyes, their are not happy.

Now I keep on walking and try to talk to them, but they just look at me and smile.

Then I saw this familiar face of a man.

How am I going to forget that face. I said to myself. But I don't know why I'm smiling after seeing him.

But inside me I'm full of emotions after seeing my father here.

Then when he notice me he came to me hurriedly.

I want to run away from him, but something in me wants to stay.

"You shouldn't be here" he said worriedly.

"What do you mean?" i asked him to.

"Bui, my son I miss you so much" he told me, and I can feel it. It's real.

But I'm getting confused because of what he was saying and acting being nice all of the sudden.

Then I remembered that I already killed him.

"Sorry Bui, if only I can bring back the time." he said and even caressed my face.

"Why are you saying that all of the sudden? You should know what is wrong and right when you are alive was wrong. But what did you do" my anger is starting to build up on me.

"Bui, you should leave this place before it's to late" my father pleaded me.

I'm getting more confused now.

"Bui I want you to listen to me" he said and held my hands. "You don't have let your bad side win. Because if he wins you are going to end up like me" he explained.

But I still didn't get what he told me.

"You are dreaming about yourself lately. But don't let him win, stay as you are Bui."

"How did you even know that?"

"You still have time son." he said then I heard a baby crying somewhere else.

"But how about you?" i asked him.

"My time has already ended when the time I let my bad side take over me" now my father is confusing me again.

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