Chapter 2

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"Alpha, I'm so hungry can we just stop for awhile to have some food?" my beta Nodt said almost crawling on the ground because of tiredness and hungriness.

It's been 3 days already since we left our Pack, and we've been looking for my cousins pack. And till now we couldn't find a way out in this forest.

I don't really know if we are still in our territory, or someone else. Because I can't sense any other creatures aside from us.

"Let's transform into our wolf so we can hunt easily" I said and removing my clothes, putting them in our bag and change into my wolf form. And he did the same too.

I bite my bag and started sniffing the air if there are nearby animal we can catch.

After a moment of searching, we still can't find any single animal. So we walked and run to the forest but we keep on coming back to the same place.

"Alpha, why not just link your Father and tell him that we are in trouble" Nodt link to me.

"No I'm not. And you know the reason why. If you want to go back, Go by yourself and leave me here" I link him too.

We've been friends since we are still pup.  We grow up together so he know how stubborn I am.

I told him too, that I'm going to choose him to be my beta when I'm going to be the leader of the pack.

But I'm already 25 and didn't find my mate. Everyone are laughing at me because of that.

And the elders wants to find someone who can take the role of Luna for me. But I refuse, I'm not going to marry anyone else aside from my mate. I insisted that on them.

Now I run away because they want me to marry the omega they choose for me, if I still couldn't fine my mate after the mating season.

"What if you still didn't find your mate this mating season Alpha?"

"I'm not going back till I find him"

"Him? You know that your mate is a guy?"

"Yeah, I've been dreaming of him lately"

"What does he look like?"

"What kind of stupid question is that, of course he is a human wolf like us"

"I mean, his appearance did you see his face in your dream?"

"No, that's the problem, every time I dream about him, I can't see his face, it's blurry."

"Maybe he is ugly that's why" he said smiling in his wolf form.

I wanted to run to him and bite him in his legs because of his joke, but someone caught my attention.

I sniff the air and smell something odd. It's a mixture metallic and s alpha pheromones.

"I want to throw up at the smell it's disgusting" I link to my beta because they can't really smell pheromones of alpha and omega. They can smell a bit but not as strong like us.

"It's good for you" he tease me.

"We should go before they notice us" I told him but it's too late.

A stinky wolf jump on Nodt and bite him from his neck. And there's another one trying to bite me too. But my reflexes are faster than him so I run to the tree and flip over above him.

After that I jump onto his back and bite from his neck snapping it in one go.

But I didn't know that they have more of them.

"Alpha, just run and save your life" Nodt link at me again, I can sense that he is also injured.

"No I'm not letting you stay here by yourself" I said, then after that I saw another wolf coming across to him. I run faster and jump in to the wolf and we ended up rolling onto the ground trying to bite each other.

This last wolf I encountered are aggressive and very strong. I'm alpha too, but this guy quit good, he knows how to fight.

Maybe because we didn't eat this fast few days that's why I can't fight back as him.

Now the wolf is biting my legs and almost snapping it into two. It's good that Nodt came to help me or else I will end up having no legs.

I want to transform into my human form to heal but I don't have any energy left in me. And I can see Nodt having a big bite in his back and now blood are rushing down to it.

I try to link my father but I can't because my head started hurting and spinning around when doing it.

I look at my legs and there are so much blood came out already.

I used the energy left in my body and got up nudging Nodt.

"Let's go find someone who can help us here" he did not answer and just look at me.

"I don't wanna die without meeting my mate" I said limping while walking.

After half an hour of walking and falling on the ground I can finally smell someone.

It's smell like bubblegum and strawberry mixture.

We walk till we reach the smell and I can hear some noises like water splashing.

Smiling happily in my wolf form walking and limping towards them when suddenly i step into something else.

I howl because I step on the trap they put in there. And now I really need to transform into my human form to remove, because it's easier.

Then Nodt run to where the sound of splashing water and me still in the agony of pain because I can't move myself any more.

After going back to my human form, all my energy drain me. I kept on trying not to close my eyes and waiting for Nodt to come back.

After a few minutes of waiting, I can see a human form in front of me. But my eyes are already closing but still fighting not to close it see the person that have a really nice smell.

Then I can feel him sitting down beside me.

I try to reach his face and caress it but my vision turns black.

Good morning/night... Thanks for waiting....

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