Chapter 12

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After calming Build, I went to my father and talked to him about the omega that came from Build's Pack.

Why did he brought them from that Pack. Does my father knows about Build, did that father of Build tell them that he is looking for the Queen.

This is making me go insane.

We need to leave again after talking to my father.

I knocked on the the door of his office, because I know he is always there.

"Bible come in" I heard him.

"Dad, why did you brought that omega for me?" I don't want to get angry but I can't hold anymore.

"Is that how you talk to your father now?" he said raising his one eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry Dad, but I'm not going to mate that omega" I said frustrated and sat on the chair.

"You have to tell me what is the reason why you don't to mate him" he asked

"Because I found my mate" I blurted put without even realizing it.

"And where is your mate then, why didn't you mark him and bring him here?" he asked getting mad too.

How am I going to explain now. Fuck, Im doomed, why did I even tell that I found my mate.

"We're taking it slow" I lied but I know my Dad won't believe for that.

"Don't lie to me Bible, I know when you are lying"

"Dad, please even if I told you. It's confusing."

"Then explain, so I can understand you. You are already at the right age to become an Alpha of this Pack. I'm just waiting for you to have your mate. So both of you can continue what I started" he told me with the hint of eagerness.

It's been a long time since he wants to step down. But how, I'm still unmated. And I know the elders are stressing him about me.

"Dad, do you know the Head Aplha of the Sapphire Pack?" i asked seriously, changing the topic because I don't want him to ask me more about my mate.

"Yes, that old Kob Songsit Puttha." he hissed (I changed their last name, I used Build's last name)

"Are you friends with him?" i asked getting interested.

"No, why do I need to be friends with that old guy. I know what is he planning to do right now. That he wants the Queen, to be his. Is he crazy?" he said

"So you know about the Queen?"

"Oh my moon goddess, of course I know." he said smirking, like he knows something.

"Dad, if you know something please tell me" I pleaded because my father is being suspicious to me right now.

"Tong came to me"

"What?" i asked in shocked.

"Haven't you realized that when you came here you never encountered anything? Because he asked me for protection of the Queen. That he is coming for a few days to stay here. I don't believe him at first, because you blocked me from our mind link. And your cousin Kinn mind link me and confirm me that you are coming back today with the Queen." he explained.

I looked at my father in disbelief, and didn't say anything.

"This is why I'm asking you to mate that omega in your room. Because, you don't know if the Queen chooses you to be his mate. I know that guy is your mate Bible. And I don't want you to get old and never experienced the feelings of having a mate. I want to become a grandfather too. To look after your pups like the others" he said sadly and looking at my eye intently.

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