Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

*arriving in London*

Megan’s P.O.V:

It was an emotional goodbye to everyone at the stables yesterday. I promised to ring them every Saturday. I spent hours last night choosing what to pack, I had to get up early this morning to get a bus and catch my flight. Mum drove me to the airport, it awful having to say goodbye to her, I was going to miss her so much! The flight was fairly fast and I arrived at the airport having gone through customs etc. At 11:30. I walked out into arrivals and saw a man holding a piece of paper with my name scribbled across it. He directed me towards his limo. Yeah, you heard right, a limo, be jealous. I was even jealous of myself at this stage, how did I get to this. I was just a nobody who had a passion for horses and now I was here, getting into a limo and I am in the live shows of xfactor!

After about half an hour in the limo, we were in central London and we had arrived at this huge posh hotel called ‘The Corintha’ I walked out of the limo and into the hotel, it was massive! I went and checked in and got my room key. I would have a room all to myself woohooo! I went and unpacked and explored my room. It had a huge bathroom, and walk-in wardrobe (OMG), a hallway and finally the bedroom. This was probably the most expensive place I have ever seen! I chilled out for a while, we had a meeting with the producers at 3pm and it was only 1pm now, I had some serious time to waste!

At 3pm I went to the green room where the xfactor contestants could hang out for our meeting with the producers. The chairs were set up in rows for now. It was going to be a long-ish meeting as they were going through all the rules and stuff. I didn’t know any of the contestants so I just sat on a chair in the far left hand corner out of everyone’s way. At times I hated being shy. I was always shy, since a young age, I would always stand in my mother’s shadow. I wasn’t shy with everyone, just with people that I don’t really know.

The room started to fill up and for some strange reason I began to get nervous. A woman with big curly blonde hair came and sat beside me, she had a gorgeous white smile. “Hi, I’m Melanie and I’m in the over’s category, what’s your name?” Melanie said with a kind smile. “I’m Megan, Girls category” I managed to stutter out. “I’m 44, how old are you?” she was so kind and I was surprised that she was keeping up a conversation with some loser in the corner. “I’m 16” I was still kind of nervous around her but I relaxed slightly. “Where are you from?” I asked Melanie, I could tell from her accent that she wasn’t from London. “I’m from Scotland. Where are you from?” Melanie replied. It was a simple conversation, nothing exciting but I was warming to Melanie. “I live in the North-West of Ireland” I smiled for the first time since entering this room. “You have a beautiful smile” Melanie commented. I could never take compliments, I always saw myself as one of the ugliest, fattest people in my school, and I am extremely insecure. That is what I love about horses, they don’t care and what you are or who you are, they love you for how you treat them. I could wear the ugliest clothes to the stables and the horses will still like me, as long as I have carrots. I felt homesick at the thought of the stables. At this stage Melanie was speaking to someone else on her other side. Then someone towards the front stood up.

I assumed this was the producer. He went through the various rules and what would be happening. It was three weeks till the first live show, we had the first two weeks to chill out and then the third week was going to be the practise for the live show. On Mondays we would meet with our mentors and choose our song for the week. Between Monday and Tuesday we would have choreography and vocal coaching. During the week we would have to do various interviews for publicity and stuff like that. The producer had been talking for half an hour he had one last thing to go through with us “Tomorrow, you will be given a credit card and you are to go shopping for clothes and things like that each person has a budget of £500.” I was extremely happy at the thought of going on a shopping spree. I didn’t mind shopping that much and always did it back home with Jade and Bella. I liked the idea of getting a few new bits and pieces. “Please mingle among yourselves and try not to start any fights and feuds, be friendly to each other. When you eat your meals in the hotel, you give them your name, with ID and the cost of your meal will be paid by the x factor. You can now settle in for the rest of the evening. Enjoy your time here!” The meeting was finally over, I was in a good mood, and I get to go shopping tomorrow and free food while I’m in this competition.

I headed back to the room and rang my mum, it was amazing to hear her voice again. I opened up my laptop and went of facebook and twitter. Apparently I was very lucky as I was one of the only two people to get their own rooms. I loved my own space, but I suppose it could get quite lonely.

At about 6:30pm, I began to get hungry and went down to the bar for some food, I left my room and I walked down the corridor, I was texting Chloe on my phone. She was telling me everything that was happening on the yard. She told me that yesterday, Hannah fell in the muck heap, and I giggled to myself when I read the text. All of sudden, I crashed into some, I wasn’t looking where I was going. “I’m really sorry, I should have looked where I was going” I flustered. “its okay, Megan” I heard a deep male voice murmur. Hold up, who the fudge was this? I looked up and saw the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, ever. He had chocolate brown eyes and messy brown hair. How did he know my name? I didn’t recognise him at all. “Umm, sorry, not to be rude but who are you?” I murmured. He giggled. “I’m George, from Union J” It suddenly clicked; he was in one of the boy bands. How could I be so stupid? I should know who all the other contestants are. “I’m... George,” I stuttered. “I guess I should pay more attention to where I’m going from now on” I giggled. He just smiled and replied with “See you later, Megan” Whoa! He was hot. Wait I can’t fall for another contestant, It’s against the rules and I need to focus on this competition. Who am I kidding? He probably has a beautiful model girlfriend. Even if he was single, he wouldn’t want to date someone fat and ugly, like me, he would date someone pretty, like one of the Little Mix girls. I went downstairs and had a nice dinner, I could get used to having free food.  For the rest of the night I chilled out in my room. I was only here a day and it was already getting lonely.

*A/N: Please vote and comment :)

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