Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*fourth week on xfactor*


Megan’s P.O.V:

This morning was my meeting with T. I got up, showered and dressed. I went down for some breakfast; all the other contestants were still fast asleep from partying all last night. The only other contestant awake and at breakfast was Jahmene. I went over to his table “Umm... mind if I sit beside you?” I asked Jahmene. “Sure, no problem, Megan” he smiled. I never really chatted to Jahmene much, but he wasn’t out last night. We chatted over breakfast; he was a really nice guy. He had his meeting with Nicole so he left to go and meet her. My meeting with T wasn’t until 11 as she was out partying last night too. I went up to my room and strummed a few chords on my guitar. I hadn’t played my guitar in a while because I was so busy practising.

I met T, she looked extremely tired. “How are you feeling Megan?” T yawned. “I’m good. Still a bit overwhelmed from the weekend” I smiled. “Is your face still sore?” T asked. “No, not really, unless I poke it” I answered and smiled. “Right, this week is love and heartbreak week, did you have any ideas of what you are going to sing?” T asked. “Umm... no, not really, had you anything in mind?” I asked. “Well, what do you think of Battlefield?” T smiled. I think I have heard of that song. T showed me the music video; some of the notes went quite high. “Do you think I can go that high?” I questioned. “Megan, you can do that in your sleep, don’t worry, just sing it through here with me and then you can practise for Saturday” T reassured me. We went in to where the vocal coach was and she began to play piano and I sang along. I really liked this song. I never had my first kiss or had a proper boyfriend, but somehow I could relate to this song. T was satisfied that this song suited my voice and I headed to choreography. This week, I was just going to be me and the microphone stand no choreography what so ever. This performance was going to focus completely on my vocals. By the time I got back to the hotel it was 4:30. I headed up to my room and practised my song. I headed down to dinner with the Union J boys.

After dinner I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and Carolynn barged through. Oh no. I prepared myself for the pain. “What the hell? How could you tell them I hit you? You selfish little cow! You are going to pay” Carolynn shouted. She repeatedly hit me, on my legs and on my stomach and ribs. She hit me in places where people wouldn’t notice the bruises. After she was done hitting me she stormed out and left me on my bed curled up in a ball, groaning with the pain.


After last night, when I woke up this morning, I was in so much pain. Ugh. Fudge my life. I hated this; I should just drop out and go home. I can’t take it anymore. I met up with the Union J boys for breakfast. They could see I was in a bad mood. “What’s up Megs?” George asked. “I’m going home soon” I whispered. “What?” George whisper-shouted.  “I said, I’m going home this week, I’m going to drop out of the competition, I can’t take it anymore” I told him. “No way Megan. I can’t let you do that. I will miss you too much... I mean me and the boys will miss you too much. You are like a little sister to us.” George insisted.

The Union J lads had interviews and photoshoots all day today. Everyone wanted to interview the boybands, nobody cared about a petty 16 year old that could barely sing. I went up to my room and practised my song for this week. I went on facebook and twitter.

I was sitting on the laptop, I wasn’t in the best of moods today, I don’t know why. I checked my mentions on twitter, as I was scrolling down, a few messages caught my eye. ‘@MeganKxx You’re so pathetic, thinking you can sing. In reality you’re fat and ugly and sound like a strangled cat. #justgohome’ there were about five others similar to that, they really hit home. I started to cry. I don’t know why, I praise people for being honest and all but this really just offended me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed my tweezers and dug them into my wrists. It was so painful, but I didn’t care, it took away the rest of the pain in my life.

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