Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Fifth week*


Megan’s P.O.V

This morning, I had breakfast with Jahmene. We were the only ones awake as the others had hangovers. I went back up to my room as didn’t have to meet with T until 10 and it was only 8:30 now. I don’t know why I woke up so early. I don’t usually sleep in till really late, but I must’ve drifted off pretty early last night. I plucked a few chords on my guitar and sang a few songs. I left to go and meet Tulisa.

“Hey Megan, well done on Saturday, you smashed it, any ideas for this week?” T grinned. “Erm... Maybe Mr. Know it All?” I asked. “Well, if I’m honest, I don’t think that will suit your voice. Any other ideas?” T commented. I shook my head. We sat there for a while trying to think of a song. “How about the Power of Love by Gabrielle Alpin?” I asked. “Perfect” T grinned. We got the lyrics and I sang through it a couple of times. “Any chance I could play my guitar this week?” I asked, nervously. “I never knew you could play, that would sound amazing!” T grinned.

I went to vocal coaching and got the chords for the guitar. I went back to the hotel and started practising. It would be fun to play with my guitar this week but it was also easier to mess up. I practised for a good three hours until my fingers got sore. I went on the laptop onto facebook and twitter. I scrolled through my mentions “@MeganKxx You’re so pathetic, just go home. I feel physically sick when I see your fat body in my TV” Ouch! That hurt. The tears began to prickle my eyes. I scrolled on down and saw more hate, but most of the comments were positive. There was a knock at the door. I chose to ignore it. They knocked again. “Megan, it’s George, I know you’re in there. I’m gonna stay here until you open the door” George shouted. Ugh! I wiped my face to make myself presentable and put on the best smile that I could. “Hey George, Whats up?” I did my best to smile. “What happened?” George asked, concerned as he let himself into my room. “Uh, nothing why?” I lied. “I’m not thick, you were crying. You can tell me now or I’m not leaving.” George was stubborn. “Look, George, It’s nothing, I’m just being pathetic. You going down for dinner?” I asked. “We’re not going down to dinner until you tell me why you were crying. I don’t care how pathetic the reason is” George demanded. “Someone’s stubborn” I giggled. “Look, It’s just a bit of hate, I can manage” I forced a smile. “I know it’s hard, but I’m here if you ever need me. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m starving, let’s go down to dinner” George flashed a reassuring smile and gave me a hug. I hung out with the Union J boys this evening and took an early night


I was woken up this morning by my phone ringing. “Yello” I croaked in my morning voice. “Green” giggled George. “Ha-ha, you’re so funny” I said sarcastically. “Why the hell are you ringing me so early, I need my beauty sleep and you interrupted a really good dream” I croaked. George just laughed. “What was your dream about?” he questioned. “I was at Olympia. It dosen’t matter why are you ringing me?” I asked. George ignored my question “What’s Olympia?” George questioned. “Ask JJ; now please tell me why you were ringing me?” I demanded. “Fine, someone’s grumpy in the mornings” George joked. “Me and the boys have a surprise for you. Get dressed, casually, were coming for you in half an hour” he announced. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed. “Try to sound a bit happier, I know you’re going to love this!” George hung up.

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