Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Megan’s P.O.V:

It was a cold February morning, I walked through the large iron gates, and they closed with a clang. The yard looked so peaceful; the horses were looking over their stable doors expecting to be fed. I was the first person here. The sky was a clear blue colour and the fields looked picturesque covered in frost. It was these simple moments in life that I treasure.

I’m Megan, I’m 16 and I’m on my mid-term break. I have just done my Mocks, and boy, they were hard. I’m at the stables, I come here every week-end and during the holidays, it’s like my second home. I had about three layers on so I wouldn’t get cold; I began to feed the horses. As usual, Holly, a chestnut mare, began kicking her door when she realised it was feeding time, a chorus of whinny’s echoed through the yard.

When I finished feeding, I began to start mucking out the stables; I put some music from my phone on. I sang along, knowing there was no one on the yard to hear me. If anyone ever heard me I would be super-embarrassed!

Emeli Sande’s song ‘Clown’ came on, this is one of my fave songs, and I belted out the words. “So I'll be your clown Behind the glass Go 'head and laugh 'cause it's funny I would too if I saw me I'll be your clown on your favorite channel My life's a circus-circus rounding circles I'm selling out tonight”. All of a sudden my mate, Jade, appeared in front of the door. My cheeks turned into tomatoes. Normally I would hear the gate close if someone came into the yard. “Hey Jade, I didn’t hear you come in?” I said, it came out like more of a question. “I climbed over the fence, Megs, you have a beautiful voice you like, have to go on xfactor!” I was in shock, I didn’t have a musical note in my head, and she had to be lying!

There’s no way I could even think about going on xfactor, I came from a small town in the North-West of Ireland, I wasn’t anything special, I was quite fat, if I’m honest, I’m not that pretty, I’m the kind of person who nobody notices, I just blend in with the crowd. “Shaddup and stop lying Jade, I can’t sing, don’t be stupid, I haven’t mucked out Holly, Harry or Tutu yet, will you do them three?” I murmured to Jade. “I’m serious Megan, your brilliant you have to do something about it!” Jade wasn’t going to let this go, she walked round to go and finish the rest of the mucking out. Jade was beautiful, we had the same birthday, we were both 16 and we were like sisters, we both had a passion for horses and were in the same class in school. She had great style and had all the guys falling at her feet, and she was amazing at horse-riding and had her own horse a beautiful chestnut gelding called Waffles. Everyone on the yard looked up to her. We finished tidying the yard and got ready for the lessons to start. At this stage the rest of the helpers had arrived, all the helpers were like one big family, with Carole, that stables’ owner like our second mother. As I said, the yard is like my second home.

*A/N: This is my first story so please comment and vote. Some spellings may be wrong but, we’re all human! I live in Ireland and for our last year in Secondary School we have big exams called the Leaving Cert, which is in June. In February we do our ‘Mocks’ which is like a practise for the actual thing. The Leaving Cert is like the A-levels in the UK, I think? I’m saying this in case you didn’t understand what I meant by ‘Mocks’ and I will be mentioning the Leaving Cert in other chapters. I know I’ve called this a Union J fanfic, but they don’t come in until Chapter 12. I know it’s very long, but I’m trying to give as much detail as I can. Hope you’re enjoying reading my story!*


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